Saturday, July 17, 2010

Mexico pt. 1

Dear Readers,

I feel privileged to have been asked by the True Women blogging team to record my trip with my dear friend, Esme, to her native country, Mexico. I hope to share with you my experiences in this beautiful country as they remind me of the gospel, which we hope to continue sharing with her family.

The trip got off to a rocky start yesterday: in my foolishness I had neglected to look for my passport until the day of our departure and could not find it! I suppose I had become arrogant in my own organizational skills, and God in His mercy reminded me that I need to be responsible with all of my belongings at all times. I left for work in the afternoon huffing and puffing, after having written a frantic note to my parents asking them to continue the two-hour search for my passport. Lo and behold, after less than ten minutes of searching, my wonderful father found my passport behind my desk. I felt so foolish, namely, because I had become anxious in my circumstance and was not trusting the sovereignty of God. If He so willed, my passport would be found and I would be in Mexico. However, I needed to be equally content with the possibility that the Lord in His wisdom might not have willed that I go on this trip. The experience revealed my proud and short-sighted heart, and I must remind myself daily that my steps are guided by the Lord, not by my own wisdom.

We arrived in Mexico City at 6 a.m. this morning, after a red eye flight. Esme´s family has been so hospitable to not only her but to me, a foreigner who barely speaks any of their language. Their hospitality transcends the cultural and language barrier between us. I am encouraged by this gracious family´s hospitality towards me and am reminded of the power of a generous spirit. It is no wonder that hospitality is so emphasized in Paul´s epistles. It is an effective tool for the spreading of the gospel.

As of today, the majority of our conversation consists of translating, blank stares, and smiles. I am hoping that, once I get back into the mindset of thinking more in spanish, our level of communication will increase. I generally find it takes a few days before I get adventurous in trying out my spanish! We leave tomorrow morning for our little tour of the country, and I feel so blessed to be able to be a part of it! I am praying for opportunities to share the gospel, and for the grace to take hold of those opportunities...also for diligence in our studies of Scripture despite the inconsistency in our daily happenings.

May Christ be made much of in our time here!


Jasmine Aldrich said...

I am glad to hear that you guys made it safely. I am looking forward to hearing more of how God is being made known more clearly to you and through you on this trip.

Love you!

Nichole Henry said...

I hope you guys have a blast! So jealous of your trip :) Thanks for keeping us all updated