Tuesday, July 20, 2010

For the Honor of His Name

Last week we talked about Tabitha and how she was known for "abounding with deeds of kindness and charity which she continually did." We discussed different aspects of this kindness and considered what we ourselves are known for. Today, I would like to talk about the motivation of this kindness and the motivation that we should have for everything that we say and do.

In his commentary, Matthew Henry remarked, "While we live upon the fullness of Christ for our whole salvation, we should desire to be full of good works, for the honor of his name, and for the benefit of his saints. Such characters as Dorcas are useful where they dwell, as showing the excellency of the word of truth by their lives. How mean then the cares of the numerous females who seek no distinction but outward decoration, and who waste their lives in the trifling pursuits of dress and vanity!"

Strong words! Tabitha lived a life of extreme kindness "for the honor of His Name." Everything that we do should be with this incentive in mind. Does it honor the Lord? The answer should be a deciding factor in whether or not it is done. Does it bring glory to His Name? If yes, pursue it wholeheartedly! If no, find a different route that does.

The second motivation was to do the acts of kindness "for the benefit of His saints." We should be looking for practical ways in which we can benefit those to whom our Lord has shown ultimate grace and mercy. We should be asking ourselves questions like, "What can I do to benefit my sisters in Christ today? What can I do to benefit my husband and children today? What can I do to benefit my elders, my church family, and my friends?" When we purposefully ask ourselves questions like these and actively seek out opportunities to show kindness in order to benefit those that the Lord loves, we are sure to find them.

I'd like to briefly mention some things that were NOT motivators behind Tabitha's kindness. She was NOT motivated by:
  • A desire to be well looked on by others
  • A desire to be thought well of
  • A desire to promote her own name
  • A desire to garner owned favors
  • A sense of duty or responsibility
  • A way to avoid feelings of guilt
Ladies, we have been blessed beyond imagination in our salvation. We hold the keys to the knowledge of eternal life, lasting joy, ultimate security, and unconditional love. It is essential that our lives are lived in such a way that makes this obvious! We have been given ever kindness by our Heavenly Father and if we really believe this to be true then our lives should reflect it.

What are some ways that you live in order to show the glorious truth of your salvation?

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