Friday, December 4, 2009

Reader Poll

Happy Friday Ladies!! Today I would like to ask you for some feedback. It's your turn to work!! It is coming up to the end of the year and we've got some great ideas in the making for 2010. As we continue to plan for next year, we thought it wise to get some feedback from you, our readers.

My only specific question is regarding the list of blogs, pictures, videos, etc. that I link to on the sidebar located directly under our picture. Do you use it? I spend some time each week keeping it updated and if it is something that you are interested in then I will absolutely keep on working with it. Don't worry, you aren't going to hurt any feelings commenting that you haven't ever looked at it and really don't intend to :)
Another option we have in place of these sidebar links is to put them in the form of a post. Tim Challies does this on his blog every day. I was thinking that we could do it once a week - have a post on Fridays or Saturdays with some worthwhile links from throughout the week. If we choose to do this, then I could add a short description of each link which would help you in deciding whether or not it is interesting to you. I am actually leaning towards this idea, but I would love to hear your thoughts on it.

Other than that, I have no specifics in mind when asking for feedback. What (if anything) do you like particularly about the blog? What are somethings you'd like to see changed? Are there specific topics you'd like to hear more about? Would you like more book reviews? Movie reviews? Nothing is out of scope!

I can't promise that we will use every suggestion that we get, but I can promise that we will give each one serious thought. If you don't feel comfortable leaving your suggestions in the comments section, please feel free to email them to me at I make updates throughout the year as well, so if a couple months from now you have an idea, please let me know!

Thank you in advance for your feedback.

Lord bless,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I use the links and find them useful but the post idea sounds good too.
I read the blogs but have to admit I do not comment often not for lack of interest just lack of time(read lazy).