Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Aroma Therapy

Hello Ladies. I asked Kendal Barierre to write what she believes an attractive home should look like, and how she goes about cultivating a home that is the kind you want to be in. Thank you Kendal!

My desire for my home is that my husband and my children would to be able to come home and feel loved and comforted.

In order for my home to be an attractive home, there are at least three things that need to be done/considered.

First, my home needs to be clean. My husband likes the home to be neat and tidy and smelling good when he comes home from work. When it’s not, I can tell that it is not welcoming, and it just creates more stress than needed.

Second, my home needs to have love abounding within it. I need to tell and show my husband I love him. I need to love my child by caring for him and hugging him, and soon enough, disciplining him. But first, in order to effectively love them, I need to be in God’s word to know what love is. God is love. So I need to know God in order to love others.

Third, my home needs to be filled with Godliness. Our conversations need to be constantly considering God’s word. We need to be building up our faith, and home is where that needs to start. I am commanded to teach my children at home, and everywhere. My words and actions need to be reflective of Christ.

Once I have these above things considered, my home will be attractive not only to the people that reside there, but to family, friends, and neighbors as well. They will see that this home has organization and is not filled with chaos. Our home will be comfortable and encouraging for all that come in it.

1 comment:

Esme said...

Those are such godly desires, Kendal. Being a worker at home as we're called to be it's hard work. But as you know, it can be a delight when our efforts are enjoyed by our family and others. I must say the smell of a woman who's busy working in the home shows and it smells really good! ;)