Thursday, December 17, 2009

Jackson's Testimony

Hopefully I can post pics later, but I have no access to those now.

My heart sings praise to my Lord as I reread this testimony my son wrote. Baptizing Jackson and Noelle was not a decision we came to lightly. They have professed faith in Jesus for quite a while, and have asked to be baptized on several occasions, but we made much effort to talk to them and show them how to examine themselves and look for fruit in their young lives. All the time we were continually pointing them to Jesus, and time and time again they would tell us the gospel and declare their faith and love for Jesus. There came a point when they came saying: "The bible says, "repent and be baptized" we've repented, we want to be baptized so we can obey." It is really hard to argue with that.

As you read through this testimony you will see the part that our church has played in our children's lives. Missio Dei belongs to Jesus, He purchased this body, and we love all of you and are thankful for how God has used you in our family's lives. As each of my children wrote out their testimony, we were so excited to see how they view this body of believers. Thus far, you have been faithful to the promise you made when they were babies at their dedications: to help us raise Jackson and Noelle for God's glory. I ask you to continue to help them grow!

Thank you for faithfully laboring in the Lord with us. Here is Jackson's testimony. Tomorrow I'll post Noelle's.

My name is Jackson Aldrich. I have been at this Church my whole life.

I learned about God from my parents at home. My mom and dad read the Bible to us and we have a lot of discussions during family worship or when I have questions after I do my Bible reading. I ask my dad when I don't understand something I read in the Bible and he answers me. We talk about God and Jesus all the time. I have also learned the gospel from many people in this Church. Like, my Sunday School teachers. Nichole, who is very special to me and comes over a lot. Mrs. Cate, my first Sunday School teacher, who is very special to me too. Mr John Herrin who is my Sunday School teacher and is cool. Miss Sherri, she teaches good and is fun. My Aunt Betsy and aunt Leila were my teachers and good Aunts. Miss Kim has helped me as my teacher too and Miss Cindy! All my grandparents! Miss Debbie and Pastor Matt. Pretty much this whole Church--- too many to mention. I love all my teachers, they are so special.

I know I am nothing but a sinner without Jesus, and I deserve death and hell. I have a hard time not sinning. I loved my sin. Now I really hate my sin. I do not want to be God's enemy, I want to be with Him with all my heart.

I know I need to be forgiven for my sin and Jesus is the only way to be forgiven. I believe God sent His Son to die for me and HE rose again in three days. Now I belong to Jesus. I am no longer His enemy. I know HE is my savior because he is causing me to love him and want to obey Him. I feel bad for people who do not know Jesus because I do not want them to perish in their sins. I want them to be with God forever.

I am being baptized because I believe Jesus died for me and I want everyone to know that I truly believe in Him. I want to show that I belong to Him.

Romans 5:1 says: Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,

2 Corinthians 5:21 says: He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

I plan on continuing to trust Jesus and teach others about Him; and how through Him, they may be forgiven and loved by Him too.

1 comment:

Nichole Henry said...

Amen! Hearing testimonies and seeing baptisms are my absolute favorite! Its especially awesome with young kids.
Its been a joy to watch you raise your kids, Jasmine. Jackson and Noelle are both very special to me; I love them both very much.
Thank you for sharing their testimonies with us!