Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hypocrisy and Parenting

Today I read an article on Pulpit Magazine that was very helpful and convicting to me. It was how to avoid raising a Pharisee. I highly recommend reading it even if you are not a parent. The author looked at some manifestations to look for in younger children and he also gave a separate list for teenagers. Though we are dealing with the heart it does manifest itself differently as a child gets older. I see some of the things on the lists in myself and will be referring to, not only as a parent but as an individual that needs to guard myself against this deadly sin; and in faith do what I can to not instill pharisaical-ism in my children. As the author says, "Hypocrisy is an imminent and evident threat to the church of Jesus Christ."

The author gives excellent advice in his article that I want to consider more deeply. There is too much temptation to think because you took the parenting class and have well-taught, doctrinally- invested, well-behaved, gospel-saturated children, your job is well done and your kids will be fine. The bottom line is my children are in danger of being raised to be good little self deceived, legalistic hypocrites. It is deep in my heart and it's frankly easy as a Christian to raise my children steeped in it.

As I read the article and was moved to prayer for myself, my children and families that are dear to me, I remembered a quote from the puritan Richard Baxter that I copied in a journal long ago: Wicked parents are the most notable servants of the devil in all the world and the bloodiest enemies to their children's souls. More souls are damned by ungodly parents, and next to them, ungodly ministers and magistrates, than any instruments in the world besides.

Too often we (meaning me) think of the parents who destroy their children as the crack head, drunk, lazy bum, atheist, femi-nazi, God haters, but what about the nice church-going deacon, elder, ministry wife, usher, Sunday School teacher, wouldn't-miss-a-church-event-to-save-their-life parent... if that parent should be satisfied with a well taught, well mannered, movie avoiding, tongue clucking goody two shoes? We are just as dangerous as the crack head mom if we are one thing on Sunday and another at home. Someone once said, what a man is at home is what the man is, and our kids know it. We know it! If our joy in the Lord isn't genuine, the only things worth imitating and loving are the things that get praise. Kids pick up on this quick. Be and do what it takes to be thought well of, nothing else matters.

I pray that in God's grace I can battle it in my own heart and put my kids in a place for God in His mercy to put genuine faith and humility in their hearts.

Please read the article , it's worth it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very insighful article! It was hard to focus ONLY on examining my OWN children and family...and to not make excuses...May the Lord grant me the grace to probe my heart and that of my children's more consistently...Thanks for sharing!