Thursday, September 25, 2008

For the Empty Nesters

Each season of life has its own set of challenges and the 'empty nest' season I’m sure is no different. I have heard of more marriages ending during this time than during the child bearing years. Though it’s hard to imagine going through the empty nest (oh, having a quiet home, no one barging into bathroom while I’m in there, and skipping a meal here and there…), I’ve been told on more than one occasion that these times of having little children around will be greatly missed and I will be wishing they were back!! So I trust what they say is true…and try not to complain too much... :)

But for those of us with young children still, how can we prepare for that season, that Lord willing (in a good way), sooner or later will come? And for those of you whom are already peaking at it, and of course, those of you whom are already there, how do you get beyond the loneliness?

Well, I stumbled across this interview Nancy Leigh DeMoss did with Barbara Rainey and Susan Yates the authors of the book Barbara & Susan’s Guide to the Empty Nest. I found it very helpful, again, not just for those of you already there, but for us looking at it from the benches.

There are two parts, both quite lengthy but worth your while:

Facing the Empty Nest as a Couple

Navigating New Seasons

Good day from me and the other three chics.

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