Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A Tribute to My Mom

I am truly thankful for my mom. She is the toughest person I know. I have watched her endure many God ordained trials where she has suffered much heartache. With humble dependence on God, she has always come through these times, a bit sweeter and more dignified. My mom, Shelly Smith, was truly the glue that held the family together while we were growing up. She raised 5 children and we're all still alive, which is really saying something! LOL

I am especially grateful for the fact that my mom preached the gospel to us everyday. I could fill page after page with what my mom did for me during my childhood. Her influence and care hasn't stopped; it continued to this day.

My mom plays a very integral role in my daily life. This woman loves me despite the fact that she now has to put up with me on a daily basis as an adult rather than a kid under her authority. She now helps me take care of my own family! She has often sacrificed her own comforts and desires in order to care for my children, giving me opportunities to minister and be ministered to in ways that would otherwise be impossible. Her ministry to me and my husband Rick is immeasurable.

My mom lives a life of service. It's not just what she does, it's who she is! Jesus did not come to be served but to serve! She follows Jesus, therefore she serves! She serves her parents, by taking them to appointments and picking up prescriptions; this woman even runs errands last minute for a daughter (such as myself) who forgets to take a meal over to someone! She tries to always do what is most beneficial for the whole family rather than what is most convenient for her. Lord willing I too will be like this someday.

Mom, I am glad you are a part of our daily lives. I am thankful for the influence that you have and how good you treat my kids. I hope my life is an honor to you and I hope my children's lives will be an honor to you. Mom, your life has far more influence than you know. I love you, thank you for everything.