Friday, May 9, 2008

Meet ..... Betsy

I am Betsy Aldrich. I am 31 years old, though I feel like I’m in my early twenties until I exercise… then I feel much older. I am blessed to be a part of this group of ladies because I see very clearly God’s hand of grace working in each of their lives and in mine as well. The more time I spend with them, the more they inspire me to want to know and love Jesus better. (Plus they're alot of fun!)

As I look back over my wayward decisions of early adulthood, I am so thankful that God didn’t leave me to my own stupidity but rather saved me from my sins, myself and the power of Satan in my life; to live a life filled with joy in knowing and being known by Jesus. All of us, apart from Jesus, were utterly lost, so I won’t go into my story of “lostness” right now (so as to keep this post relatively short), however I will say that being found in Jesus makes me exceedingly glad and fills me with anticipation for what each day holds for me in Christ.

I have been blessed with a wonderful husband (Ryan) for the last 13 ½ years. We have 3 sons who are growing up way too fast: Aidan (13), Aaron (11), and Austin (9). We are ministered to by our family at Temple Baptist Church and endeavor to return the favor as well. We love to laugh, talk, play games, read good books, watch fun movies, and spend time with others. We have been through some hard times and have witnessed the faithfulness of God to hold us and bear us through for His glory and our good.

As I look at my life as a whole, I can only say that it is rich and full because of Jesus’ work in it. Praise be to God! I hope to be used by God to encourage some ladies and maybe even help them to experience some of the joy that we can have daily through Jesus as we follow Him and He touches our lives.