Monday, May 5, 2008

Characteristics of a Mom

Good Morning! The girls and I decided to start our blog out with a series on motherhood. We thought it appropriate with Mother’s Day right around the corner. Since I am the only member of our group not a mother, I opted to write my blog on three important characteristics of mothers as taught in Scripture. There are many others, but in interest of time I will only deal with the three I personally consider to be most important.

First, Jesus taught that the most important command in all the Bible was to “Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your mind and with all your strength.” It is important that mothers love the Lord most – even more than they love their children. This love needs to be evident to others. I can remember, as a little girl, watching as my mom asked my younger sister, “Who do you love most?” “You!” my sister cried, wrapping her chubby arms around my mother’s neck. “I love you too,” my mom whispered, hugging her back, “But I love God most, and so should you.” This was an everyday occurrence growing up. My mom didn’t just talk to us about God, but she daily lived out this love in front of her children and I cannot speak to the value this has been to us.

Second, mothers should faithfully preach the gospel to their children. I am reminded of Timothy, whose mother and grandmother were faithful to preach to him the Word of God as he was growing up and the impact that this had on him. Never underestimate the power of Scripture on your children’s lives. One of my favorite stories to tell mothers as they become discouraged is the story of John Newton, author of the famous hymn Amazing Grace. As an adult, Newton worked on a boat as a slave trader. His job was to kidnap people and bring them to different countries to be sold as slaves. As a young man, he was very proud of the sins that he had committed. He even used to brag that there was no sin that he had not committed. For entertainment, his shipmates used to sit around and try to think of sins that he hadn’t yet committed and if one was ever found, Newton set out to do it at the earliest possible time. One day there was a terrible storm while they were at sea. It was so terrible that all on board, including Newton, despaired for their lives. In the midst of his terror, Newton suddenly remembered verses that his mother had taught him as a young boy. As the waves crashed against the boat, Newton repented of his sins and turned to Jesus as his Savior. Later, remembering his salvation, Newton wrote Amazing Grace. Mothers, never be discouraged when you are teaching your children. Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”

Lastly I would like to say that it is important to delight in your children and not to look at them as a burden. The Bible declares that children are a gift from God and it is important that mothers treat their children as though this verse is true. After God and her husband, there is nothing in this world that my mom loves more than her children. I have absolute confidence that she would die for any one of us without a moment’s hesitation. This has been such a huge blessing in my own life and I cannot imagine life without it. If the rest of the children in the world are anything like me, then they are rarely very easy to live with, making a mother’s love a true blessing.

My own mother has excelled in all three of these areas. I love her so much and she has had a hugely positive impact on my life. I can only urge you to love the Lord, faithfully preach the gospel to your children, and delight in your children. As they grow up, they truly will “rise up and bless [their mother]” as I have.