Thursday, May 15, 2008

Dressing to Adorn the Gospel - Pt 2

In my first post the heart of modesty was dealt with, today we're getting practical.

When thinking about all the previously said things, I began to think about the statement that husbands and fathers put their wives and daughters in a dangerous position when they do not guard them in this way. It was stated that these women were 'unloved'. Rick and I began discussing what some of these dangers are. So, what danger are we put in when we are unguarded? Here are some things that Rick came up with that I have been thinking about. I hope this might be of some help to those of us that might be struggling in this area right now.

One danger is that we dishonor the word of God. Titus 2 lists the things that a woman ought to be so that she would not bring dishonor to the word of God. Being discreet and chaste are part of that list. 1 Tim. 2:9 says, "women are to adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing, BUT, that which is proper for women professing godliness with good works." Do we profess godliness? Are we reflecting that in how we dress? Are we in fact being discreet and chaste? If not, then we are giving room for the gospel of Christ to be mocked! Dear sisters this is not what we want to do!

We also are opened up to ruining our name. Our own reputation is tarnished. What husband and father who loves you wants that? What woman wants that for herself? Prov. 22:1 says, "A good name is to be more desired than silver or gold." Dressing immodestly opens you up to all sorts of accusations. Some guys may think you're "easy" or that you will do things that you would never do. People may say you have done things you have not, but they are believed simply because you look like the sort that would. I'm not saying this is always fair, but it is a fact of life.

You may attract unwanted attention. Young unmarried ladies beware, you may be attracting the wrong kind of men! Do you want to marry a man who loves God? A man with a pure heart? A man who pursues and delights in righteousness? You ain't gonna find one dressing like a Prov. 7 woman! A godly man will avoid you because he will see you as a danger to his soul! I'm serious! God is gracious, but as a good friend of mine, Gina, likes to say "DO NOT TEMPT YOUR LORD." So do not think "God will give me a good man anyway, things will work out in the end."

Another danger is that you are made vulnerable to men who seek to devour you - not only their eyes, but physically! I don't think any woman asks to be raped, kidnapped, or murdered. But there are men, evil men, who are lurking about looking for a victim! Don't be stupid! Being out with those who are up no good, or being out late, doing who-knows-what in the wee hours of the morning, dressing to kill makes you an easy target! Yes there are those who are raped and killed that were guarded and protected and wise in their choices, but they are harder to get to. Don't make it easy for evil men to hurt you!

You may also ruin your father/husbands reputation. You can do him harm by dressing immodestly! Do not be the woman who destroys her own home with her own two hands! Do not be the rottenness in your husband’s bones! (Prov.12:4;14)

We are called to a life of self-control. Do not be like the woman in Prov. 5:6. She does not ponder the path of life, her ways are unstable and she doesn't know it! Ponder the path of life. Be wise and sober-minded. You have been taught well. Live it out! Build your house. Build a good reputation. Glorify God in all aspects of your life. Put yourself in order. Be the crown of your husband! Be the kind of woman a righteous man is looking for! Adorn the gospel so that you can serve others freely! Modesty is relevant no matter what stage of life you are in.

Oh, how I desire to honor God in this! Let us take all that we have heard in the sermon to heart. Let's make it easy on our husbands and fathers as they lead and disciple us. Just as we are commanded to make sure that we are a joy to our elders as they shepherd us, let's do the same for the heads of our households. Don't fight! Make their job pleasurable. Also, don't use the excuse that they don't care how you dress. Because God does!

Here are some links to articles I have found helpful: The Modesty Heart Check , C.J Mahaney's series on modesty( he has a 7 part series) The Rebelution's Modesty Survey