Thursday, November 19, 2009

Talking, not Listening

Hello Ladies! Nichole is in Chicago for some job training, so she asked me to post this for her today. I am looking forward to reading more of her posts on "talking" to herself about the truths of God, as this is the beginning of a series of posts for her.

C.J. Mahaney's book, A Cross Centered Life is an amazing book. If you have not read it, you should. Now. Today. The book changed my life.

At one point in this book, Mahaney makes a point about talking to yourself - not listening to yourself. At first glace, this phrase sounds silly, ridiculous even. Talking to yourself? Don't you get put in a padded room for stuff like that?

How often do your thoughts take you places you never thought you'd go? How often do you have outright arguments with people in your head, thinking things you would never say to their face? How often do you dwell on sins that have been done to you? How often do you despair in your mind, even when a smile is fixed to your face? Sisters, this is the time to talk to yourself!

We have been well taught. We know the Word. We know the promises of God. We know what it means to be the adopted child of the Lord. We know of our freedoms in Christ. We know of our salvation. But we forget. Sin and life comes upon us and we forget. And we think. We think so much that we would never say - and sisters, we sin so easily in our thoughts!

We can easily identify the times we are most vulnerable in our thoughts, the times when we are most prone to sin. Perhaps it is while you wash dishes or when you exercise. Perhaps it is while you are in the shower or folding laundry. Perhaps it is while you try to fall asleep. We all need to identify these times in our lives and then fight! Fight against this sin in your life. I think I can speak with confidence when I say that each and every one of us struggles in this way; a woman's mind never shuts down!

Fight this sin by talking to yourself. When you feel yourself start to gossip in your head, preach to yourself of the unconditional love that God gives you as His child. When you begin to despair, talk to yourself of the promises of God. When you are sad, repeat the gospel over and over.

One of my favorite ways to 'talk' to myself is through music. I have a guaranteed two hours every day in the car all alone and I need to occupy my mind! I love to listen to music that speaks of the wonders of my salvation, of the greatness of my God, of all that I have in Him. These are all things I know; never once have I listened to a song and thought, 'Oh, I never knew that!' But sometimes (oftentimes) I need to be reminded. And my sinful heart is never going to just think of these amazing truths by itself.

All of this is to say: I have a new favorite cd! Awaken the Dawn by Keith and Kristyn Getty is amazing, you should go out and buy it! Seriously! The words are impossibly beautiful and her voice is so pretty. Every song sings out in unadulterated joy in the Lord.

You are going to see several posts from me over the next few weeks with lyrics from this cd and some reflections of the good talks I've had with myself because of them. In the mean time, I'd love to hear some of the ways that you have of 'talking' to yourself rather than 'listening.'

1 comment:

Esme said...

Nichole, you are speaking to the chore! Sometimes I feel I'm the only one whose mind never ceases to think...and If I'm not careful, it takes some ugly paths. Whatever I watch, listen, and read really affects what I dwell on the rest of the day. Needless to say, I listen to the Getty's music a lot. Their lyrics are so God-centered and rich in good theology. Did you know they have a kid's CD as well? It's music even adults would like. Anyhow, I look forward to hearing what you have to say next week!