Thursday, November 12, 2009

Blogs I Like - Part 3

Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

This is a good blog that I enjoy reading sporadically. It really focuses on the single issue of biblical manhood and womanhood which is an interesting topic that I think is important to discuss. Their posts do run pretty long and there have been several times where I wasn't really interested in the post and stopped reading. However, this is one of the hot topics in Christianity today and I appreciate the opportunity to be challenged on where I stand and be given the opportunity to prepare to defend my position.

VOM Persecution Blog

This blog is put out by the Voice of the Martyrs, which is one of my favorite organizations. Topics all circle around the persecuted church and include prayer updates and opportunities to sign petitions. It is so important for us to remember that this little bubble called "America" that we live in is not reality for the majority of our brothers and sisters in the Lord. So many people face imprisonment, torture, and death every day just for believing in Jesus. We should be ministering to these brethren through prayer and this blog offers the opportunity to pray very specifically rather than the blanket "and please be with our persecuted brethren and keep them safe."

True Women

I found this blog long after we named our own blog 'True Women.' At first, I'm not going to lie, I was a little upset that they had our same name and I wasn't planning on reading it. But I really enjoy their writing! They have several women write the blog and they come from all different stages of life. They do a different topic each month. Last month was really focusing on wifehood and motherhood. This month is devoted to becoming a Titus 2 woman. Their posts are God-centered and practical. I highly recommend it!


Anonymous said...

You need to change the link for the True Women website ASAP!

Jasmine Aldrich said...

I am so sorry for this! Thank you for letting us know! Dear Readers, please do not go to the true Women link until we send out a notice that the link has been changed. The person who can access the post to edit it is at work. I am unable to access it myself or I would change it. I am trying to get a hold of the administrator and get her to change it or give me the password. Thank you.

Nichole Henry said...

Its been changed