Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Is Your Home an Attractive Place To Be? pt. 2

Last week I asked if your Home was an attractive place to be. I am thankful for the feedback that I got and want to continue to give opportunities for some of you to share you insights and stories.

"The most powerful way to keep your child from being attracted by the offers of camaraderie with the wicked is to make home an attractive place to be. Young people do not run from places where they are loved and know unconditional acceptance. They do not run away from homes where there are solid relationships. They do not run from homes in which the family is planning activities and doing exciting things." -Tedd Tripp (Shepherding a Child's Heart)

I'll share one opportunity that I take with my own children in order to strengthen our relationship and cultivate love and trust.

I have little ones and any mother knows that sickness is unavoidable. It happens, no matter how much Lysol you spray (believe me I've been spraying) or how much hand sanitizer or soap you use, inevitably someone gets a cold or the flu, or some other virus, at least at my house it does! :-) So I try to make the most of it. Believe me, when I am also sick, which happens quite frequently, it is hard to make the most of it. But I see it as an opportunity to be an example of service and compassion and even try to involve the children who may not be sick at the moment.

The kids offer to get glasses of water for each other and the older ones will read stories to the younger holding them in their lap. This is because I do this. Of course, I read stories all the time, but when the kids are sick we read all sorts of stories, because we focus on being together. They get to pick movies and color while laying on the couch, and, my favorite part, I just hold them and rock them. Usually during the day we are doing school and chores and just taking care of business. There isn't a lot of time to give each child a lot of individual attention. But when sickness is going through the household, other things are put on hold so I can devote time to cleaning up pukey messes, runny noses, and hold children. We spend time praying for each other, and Calvin continually asks to be blessed, even though that is generally something we do at bedtime.

I remember when I was a kid, my mom would get us 7 Up every single time we had the flu. We never got it any other time. (Lol funny thing is,now I cannot drink 7 Up - it makes me throw up!) We got to watch tv and would get new coloring books and crayons. These memories really have endeared me to my mother. And, as unspiritual as it all may sound, I think it had a profound effect on me and who I am. So, now I am trying to create a peaceful, loving atmosphere when my kids are the most uncomfortable and need comfort and I hope to see some good fruit from that.

Anyone willing to share any of their stories?

Does anybody have any suggestions?

How do you make your home an attractive place to be?

1 comment:

Karen said...

This is such a good post. I remember being treated to white soda and toast when I was sick. I also got to lay on the couch and watch TV. My Mom took care of me during those times. When my boys were kids, I did the same things for them as my mom did for me. I always tried to take extra special care of them when they were home sick. I think you are right when you say that during these times God allows mothers to show service, mercy and love to their sick kids. Its great that the other kids pitch in and help too.

I also have taken time to serve Dan when he has been sick. I "mother" him (and I think he enjoys it :) )Lately, I have been the sick one and he has taken care of me extra special too.

I am enjoying your series on home being an attractive place to be. With the hard economy and chaos that we are experiencing right now, I really believe that we need the love and security of our homes and families more than ever.