Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Wisdom For The Young Ladies I Love so Dearly... Not My Wisdom of Course

Dear young ladies,I know some of you are discouraged, thinking you will never get married. You may be thinking your standards are too high. I'm pretty sure they're not. But for some reason as time passes you begin to lower the standard for a suitor.

Remember this, keep your eyes firmly fixed upon the author and finisher of your faith. Delight yourself in Him. Drink deeply of the pure milk of the word, hold fast to the faith and serve fervently, using your singleness for His glory; believing it to be a gift... at least for the time being!

Pray and think about the little pearls of wisdom regarding what kind of man you should allow to pursue you, here, and consider Dr. John Piper's answer to the question "should I date someone whose theology is different?" here.

I have seen too many young women put themselves through more pain than was necessary through foolish decisions in regard to men. Marriage is great gift. I love being married to Rick. I think very highly of God's gift of marriage. But marriage is a very serious, very sobering thing. It should not be taken lightly. You are a sinner, and someday Lord willing, you will marry a sinner. Conflict resolution and forgiveness is something you will learn much about no matter who you marry. So, there is no reason to compound that with an unbelieving, foolish, arrogant, or unfaithful man. God blesses those who do things His way. Trust Him! He knows the desires of your heart (which you should be pouring out to Him). He gives good things to His children. Do not make your life a hedge of thorns by being so desperate for a man (when God is sufficient) that you hastily rush into a relationship with someone because he's cute, funny, smart, successful, charming... whatever, fill in the blank, but he is missing the essentials like a grasp and love of the gospel, love and devotion to Jesus Christ, humility or a commitment to the body.

God has greatly blessed me. I can testify to the grace and goodness of God in married life. I wasn't sure how to say this. My marriage to Rick was an act of faith in my Lord who made me and I believed/believe blesses obedience. I am a far worse sinner than most of you know. And we are sinners saved by grace through faith and not of ourselves, (nothing to boast in) just like other children of the King. But I saw the qualities you will see in those links! He was/is a man desperate for God. I saw the gospel of Jesus Christ as the driving force in his life. I saw a passion for God's people unlike any I had seen. And girlies, I have not been disappointed! God is good. Yes, there are conflicts. No, he isn't perfect. But, he is quick to resolve conflict God's way. We have the same vision and desire for our family. We are are devoted to the same person, Jesus! So, our lives are headed in the same direction! We have a joyous marriage that we have both said has been better than we could have imagined it. Maybe we have low standards...

Do not presume upon God's grace in the area of men. This is serious stuff. Please consider the wisdom in those blogs. Consider the godly advice of your parents and others. Do not be wise in your own eyes. Consider your path (Proverbs 5:6). Wait on the Lord. It will be worth it! I didn't have to wait long. But, I can testify that my short wait was worth it.

Love ya!

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