Monday, October 27, 2008

Week of Prayer

Jasmine, Esme, Betsy, and I are very busy people. Our days are packed and our evenings are taken. You would laugh if you could see the emails that have been exchanged trying to come up with a time where we can have a blog meeting! Because of this, although we all pray over this blog separately, we rarely get an opportunity to pray for it together.
Last week, Esme had the idea that we should have a week of prayer. She sent out a list of topics and we each picked a couple to pray for on our day. It is the closest way we have of getting together to pray. Esme then suggested that we let you all in on this. Take this opportunity to pray with us for a wide variety of subjects.

  1. Pray for the elders. Pray that they would have wisdom and discernment as they lead our church. Pray for Pastor Matt as he prepares this week's sermon, as he meets with people for counseling, as he prepares for the upcoming Cameroon trip. Pray for Pastor Rick as he deals with difficult work schedules, little sleep, and prepares for his upcoming sermons.
  2. Pray for the deacons. Pray that they would lead their ministries faithfully. Pray that they would be good examples to those working alongside them.
  3. Pray for ministry leaders. Pray that they would be faithful in thier ministry. Pray that they would have respect for the decons and elders over them. Pray that they would have ample opportunities to work out thier ministries in the body.
  4. Pray for each other. Pray that the Lord would be strengthening each individul member of Temple Baptist Church. Pray that the Lord would be strengthening TBC as a whole, in unity, service, and love. Pray that humility would be sought after. Pray for opportunities to use spiritual gifts. Pray for a willingness to serve and be served.
  5. Thank God for each other. Thank Him for the blessings He has given us through our brothers and sisters at Temple. Thank Him for the service that others offer you in His Name.
  6. Pray for our church. Pray that it would be always increasing in unity, humility, wisdom, and love. Ask God's blessing on it, its elders, deacons, leaders, and members.
  7. Pray for our children. Pray that God would work mightily in their lives and saves them at young ages. Pray that they would be challenged and loved by the older members of TBC. Pray that God would raise them up to be the church's next generation. Pray that they do not fall away.


  1. Pray for those being home schooled. Pray for diligence and patience for the parent teaching the children. Pray for perseverence, obedience, and respect for the children learning at home. Pray that God would bless the sacrifices that home schooling families make.
  2. Pray for those attending public schools. Pray that God would protect them as they interact with the world on a daily basis. Pray that God would grant them many opportunities to share their faith and that they would truly be a light to those around them. Pray that they would be respectful and obedient to their teachers in order that they will show honor to the name of their Lord.
  3. Pray for those in college. Pray that God would grant them wisdom as they prepare for the rest of their lives. Pray that they would be faithful to their work. Pray that they would be a light on the campus, that they would never be ashamed to speak of their faith. Pray that their faith will be strengthened as they go through the various and assundry trials that colleges has to offer. Pray that they wil not fall away. Pray that they would seek to do their work as unto the Lord. Pray that they would not grow discouraged.
  4. Pray for those seeking a higher degree. Pray that they push onward, work hard, and serve faithfully. Pray that they would be a good witness to those that they interact with. Pray for their families, as they support them.

I keep thinking of things that I want to go back and add but in interest of time, I will restrain myself. Pray with me for our church and for those who are in school today.

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