Thursday, October 30, 2008

Week of Prayer: Day 3

America —In the Middle of a Sea Storm

In the book of Jonah we’re given a great illustration of a Nation that was known for their evil doing and idolatry. We are told how God sent his prophet, Jonah, to warn the people of Nineveh of the judgement to come. Jonah, as we all know, ignored God’s command and tried to run away from him. You would think a prophet would know better than to disobey God, yet he didn’t stop there. He went on to show total indifference towards God when he decided to go to sleep while everyone else on board was literally fearing for their lives.

Though our Nation is not known for their absolute evil deeds yet, we are witnessing waves and waves of sinful behavior not only lived out, but approved and promoted everywhere we turn. Worse, I think it is because the Church is, at best, asleep. It allows the same sinful acts to run rampant in the church. God’s Word is no longer the supreme authority; instead, it is whatever “feels good.”

The story of Jonah has brought a great deal of hope to me lately, as I think of the direction we’re heading as a Nation. As you know, the book of Jonah is not about Jonah, but rather about how God is always ready to show compassion, mercy, and grace when the right responses to his warnings are made. And like my good friend Vicki always remains me “Esme, it is always about Jesus!” But we need not fall asleep in the mist of the storm, we need to fall our on knees and pray.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I confess, Lord, that I don’t loose sleep over the lost and don’t pray earnestly about it. Perhaps you would have us Christians in this Nation get swallowed up by the consequences of our apathy and lack of care for righteousness. Give us sight; give your people the courage needed to gently speak truth to others. Give us hearts that grieve over the souls perishing in the sea of life. I pray you remove the idols of our hearts that seek: comfort, money, leisure, respect, reputation, acceptance, and keep us from seeking you and the throne of grace.

Oh Father, If we don’t open our mouths, how will they know? When Jonah finally preached the good news, the people readily repented. Even their king repented! Lord, open our mouths. This Nation needs you above all things. Let your light shine through us so that sin can be revealed. Grant us adequacy, boldness, prudence, grace, and love to deal with the vast of issues we need to defend on a daily basis, and let us not fall into temptation. Oh, that you may find us faithful, Lord.

In Jesus name, Amen

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