Tuesday, October 21, 2008

True Woman Conference Reflection Pt.2

Today we are continuing to give you a peek at what ladies from our church took away from the conference we went to in Shaumburg. This is from the perspective of my mom, Shelly Smith. It is a worthwhile read, enjoy!

In 1968, two hundred women gathered to start the women's enslavement-oops! I mean liberation movement. I will not take time to list the effects of this movement. You can just look around and see the profound damage this movement has wrought. Now 40 years later a new movement has been born.

Truewoman '08 was attended by more then 6000 women. There was no bra burning, men bashing or calls to bitterness and anger. The call was to be the woman God called you to be for His glory and to see that it's not all about you. It is and always has been about Him.

John Piper
laid a foundation for the conference by stating "wimpy theology makes wimpy women". He called us to not settle for wimpy theology, saying "it's beneath you". God is too great. Christ is too glorious. Womanhood is too strategic. Don't waste it. Your womanhood, your true womanhood was made for the glory of Christ".

This foundation carried through the entire conference. Those who attended were blessed by sound theology through the music and the speakers. The solid foundation that our pastors and teachers at Temple Baptist Church have faithfully laid was reinforced. I looked for a secret agenda, a set of rules that I would probably fail at and found none.

Christ was the center; He was the focus. The call was to live our lives based on what God has called us to do through His word for His glory and not to make much of ourselves.

The movement in 1968 began with 200 women. The movement in 2008 has begun with more then 6000 women. I wonder, if the Lord should tarry, what the effect on our culture will be in forty years with 6000 women living out their lives for the glory of Christ.

I looked around at my sisters from TBC that attended the conference with me. These were not wimpy women. They were all women who had been through many trials, and are being refined by the fire to become more like Christ. Some had been through so much that you pray "Lord how long?" and yet they stand because their hope is in Christ. They stand because their foundation is granite. I am blessed by their faithfulness and the testimony of God's work in their lives.

I would encourage those who were not able to attend to go to Truewoman.com and listen to some of the sessions. I highly recommend John Piper, Joni Tada and Janet Parshall.

I also highly recommend that you get to know the women in our body. Serve with them, pray with them, rejoice and weep with them. You will be blessed, encouraged and strengthened.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boy, you brought me back, the music still playing in my head...Did anyone buy a CD of the Gettys? See, a true woman waits until someone else buys what she wants so she can borrow it...No wait, that's called cheap...:) LOL!