Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sufficiency in the Gospel

"The gospel serves as the means by which God daily constructs me into what He wants me to be and also serves as the channel through which He gives me my inheritance every day of my Christian life. Hence it could be said that the gospel contains all I need "for life and godliness." It is for this reason that God tells me to be steadfastly entrenched in the gospel at all times and never to allow myself to be moved from there. The mere fact that God tells me to stay inside the gospel at all times must mean that He intends to supply all of my needs as long as I am abiding in that place of luxury." Milton Vincent - A Gospel Primer for Christians

How easy it is for me to become so focused on spiritual growth or the destruction of sin or the daily business of being alive that I forget that all of it must be done in and through the gospel? Very easily! This is so sad for many reasons:
  1. Apart from the gospel, spiritual growth is useless
  2. Apart from the gospel, spiritual growth is HARD
  3. Apart from the gospel, spiritual growth is slow and our failures are discouraging
  4. Apart from the gospel, sin wins
  5. Apart from the gospel, sin is stronger than we are
  6. Apart from the gospel, daily life has no purpose
  7. Apart from the gospel, daily life has no goal
  8. Apart from the gospel, daily life has no joy
  9. Apart from the gospel, daily life is hard, boring, monotonous
The gospel is God's ultimate expression of love. And only in the gospel can we find a purpose in life and a lasting joy. The moment we take our eyes off the gospel, disaster strikes, sin creeps in, depression takes hold, and God is no longer glorified in us. Sisters, let us continually fix our eyes on the Lord, on the work of Christ on the cross and on the position we now hold with God because of it!

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