Monday, March 29, 2010

Chapter 7 of The Cross Centered Life by C.J. Mahaney, reminds us that we need to keep the Gospel as the center of our lives. Everything we do, say or think should be done with the cross of Christ in mind.

First of all, we are Christians because God showed mercy, period. We weren't worthy or special. We didn't earn it. It is all of God. When I think about this, I am filled with awe and thankfulness. Mr. Mahaney says that the message of the cross is the Christian's hope, confidence, and assurance. No matter what life brings us, if we stay focused on the cross, we will be able to persevere and have victory.

Mr. Mahaney also says that we have been saved to grow, to serve in a local church, to do good works, and to glorify God. We need to be about spreading the love of Jesus and the Gospel to our communities. I know that it often takes "guts" to do these things. But, if we are truly thankful for God's mercy in saving us from eternity in Hell, we should have no fear. We should want to tell others about the free gift of salvation by faith in Jesus. Especially to the people we love. Even if someone "doesn't want to hear it", you have still planted a seed and someday they may remember something you said and take it to heart. Remember the old saying, "there are no atheists in a foxhole". Even if they never respond to Christ, by witnessing, we are doing good in God's eyes and if you think about it, His eyes are the only ones that matter when its all said and done.

Mr. Mahaney goes on to say that any and all topics should be studied through the lens of the Gospel. Take the Old Testament for example, many people believe that they are good stories but not really pertinent for our "modern" lives. However, if you think about it, through the symbolism of the sacrificial system, the strictness of the Law, the faithfulness of God and the failures of man all show us how amazing the cross really is. God showed us in the Old Testament that He is Holy and in order to have a relationship with Him, we must be holy too. And that's why Jesus' blood was the only acceptable sacrifice for our sin.

Many people today are very interested in the End Times. I admit that with all that's going on in the world today, it is exciting to watch and see things happening that seem to coincide with the prophecies of the end. But, we still need to keep the cross as our central truth. Jesus told the disciples to watch and pray concerning His return but told them that their main focus should be telling others about the gospel. Because of the cross, the future is already written. God wins!!! Satan loses.

Concerning prayer, without the blood of Jesus, we couldn't even approach God. Jesus died so we could have access to the Father through Him. Remember how the veil of the temple was torn in two from the top to the bottom when Jesus died. That symbolized that we no longer needed a priest or sacrifices to come to God. The veil, as I understand it, was not just a curtain like we have on our windows today. It was a very thick tapestry that couldn't be torn at all by human hands. That's why it is so significant.

The cross also comes into play in our relationships on earth. Whenever someone makes you mad or hurts you in some way, remember what you have been forgiven of by God. Since God forgave you all of your sins, which are great, how could you not forgive someone of a snide remark or for hurting your feelings? No one can sin against you as much as you have sinned against God.

The last area Mr. Mahaney covered is suffering and trials. None of us are immune to them. But, how we react when times are tough really shows us our hearts. Some people blame God and get mad at Him. But others cling to God and look to the gospel for their hope and comfort. The bible says that God has a purpose for our suffering. If we are believers, God would never send a trial into your life just for His amusement. I admit I used to to think this way sometimes when I was younger. I think God sends trials our way to help us to become more like Jesus. When I think back over my life, my trials and suffering have always taught me something.

I have noticed that when people are in the midst of suffering or a trial, they often wonder "why me"? or "I didn't deserve this". But in actuality, all we deserve is God's wrath. Mr. Mahaney says that when people ask him how he is, his reply is "better than I deserve". I think that is a good way to think about our circumstances. We deserve death but, through the cross, Jesus has paid the penalty for us and now we live because of grace.

I urge you to take some time every day to meditate on the gospel. Think about the cross and remember that Jesus died a horrible death to pay the penalty for our sins. God loves us so much, He willingly sent His Son to die in our place so that we could have a relationship with Him. That is so amazing! Because of the cross, we should never doubt His love for us. For me, if I keep my eyes on the Lord, I know that He is always there with me no matter what and because of His love I can persevere to the end.

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