Thursday, March 4, 2010

Like a Little Boy on Christmas Eve

"A man lying on his deathbed was asked by his son, 'Dad, how do you feel?'

The man replied, 'Son, I feel like a little boy on Christmas Eve."

Wow! I found this little story on a blog a couple month's back and made a note of it. What a powerful statement by a man who knew who his Savior was and who truly viewed eternity with Him as the ultimate event to look forward to.

We all know how little kids are on Christmas Eve. There are presents under the Christmas tree and they've been there for a while. The kids are obsessed, staring at them, picking them up and shaking them, guessing at what is inside. By the time Christmas Eve comes around they are bouncing off the walls with excitement. One more day, one more day!! They wake up ridiculously early Christmas morning, filled with joy that the long awaited day has finally come!

Oh that we would have the faith of little children, that we would have our minds consumed with the prize to come in such a way that when this life finally draws to an end we literally cannot wait to go home! Our God is so big and so beautiful and so wonderful that our sinful minds cannot even come close to comprehending his greatness and majesty, and because of this we are so easily distracted by the trinkets that this world has to offer.

My prayer for myself and for you all is that God would become so great in our minds that the temptations of this world no longer have any power over us. That our understanding of the love God has for us and the immense sacrifice that was made for us would forever grow. And that because of this, our love for others would increase and be manifested by greater patience and kindness shown to all, closer unity with the church, and an urgency in sharing our faith with unbelievers.

1 comment:

Jill said...

I don't really have a comment, except to say that I liked this. The man's feelings on his deathbed brought tears to my eyes...beautiful. Thanks for posting this Nichole :)!