Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Women Discipling Women

Elisabeth Elliott gives something to think about in reference to older women teaching younger women, she says:

It would help younger women to know there are a few listening ears when they don't know what to do with an uncommunicative husband,a 25 pound turkey, or a two year old's tantrum.

It is doubtful that the Apostle Paul had in mind Bible classes or seminars or books when he speaks of teaching younger women. He meant the simple things, the everyday example, the willingness to take time from one's own concerns to pray with an anxious mother, to walk with her the way of the cross - with it's tremendous demand of patience, selflessness, lovingkindness and to show her, in the ordinariness of Monday through Saturday, how to keep a quiet heart.

These lessons will come perhaps more convincingly through rocking a baby, doing some mending, cooking a supper, or cleaning a refrigerator. Through such an example, one young woman - single or married, christian or not - may glimpse the mystery and charity of womanhood.

Has anyone ever thought about the Titus 2:3-5 passage in this way before?

Has anyone had a woman invest their lives into you in this way? If so, I would love to hear testimonies of how this has helped you to live a gospel centered life as Mrs. Elliott put it, Monday through Saturday. How has this prepared you to be an "older woman" to someone else?

I have a few thoughts on this that, Lord willing, over the next few posts I will share. But, I do value the input of others here. Some of you have seen these kind of women and some of you are these kind of women. I would love to hear your thoughts.


Esme said...

Oh Jaz, this subject has been in my mind a lot lately. I've been wrestling with this subject for quite some time now. And I'm so glad you guys are talking about it. I do have a question though, what is the difference between service/minister and discipleship? Maybe some of us have been disciple and didn't see it that way. Or maybe we ARE discipling someone and are not calling it by its proper name...

Anyway, that's just my thought. :)

jasmine said...

Esme, I am not sure I know exactly what you are asking, but I am making a feeble attempt to answer anyway. It is turning into quite a lengthy response and I am not finished yet, so I ask for your patience. Maybe other people have some light to shed on this? I'd love to hear.