Sunday, June 28, 2009

Book Study

Happy Monday!! Wow, I miss saying that! :) I do realize that I am writing this on a Sunday, but this is because I don't want to risk forgetting to do this before work in the morning and not getting the announcement up until Monday evening sometime.

Jasmine, Betsy, Karen, and I are officially inviting you to take part in a book study with us! Here is how it will go:

The Book: The Bookends of the Christian Life by Jerry Bridges and Bob Bevington

When: Thursday, July 16

If you are anything like us, you enjoy fellowship, talking with friends, growing in your walk with the Lord, and reading...but you are unable to find much time to do this with your friends. Which is why we are proposing something new, namely, an online book study.

So how will this work? Well, in the next couple of weeks (before July 16th!) go out and buy the Bookends of the Christian Life. I think I got mine off Amazon for 9 bucks. Then read the first chapter and on the 16th, get on the True Women blog. I am taking the first chapter, which is why its on a Thursday. I will post some of my own observations and comments about chapter one along with some questions. Then you all, along with Jasmine, Betsy, Karen, and I, will have a discussion in the comments section.

I believe that Jasmine is taking chapter two, so the next week she will do a post on Tuesday. Then whoever has chapter three will do that post the following week on her day. There will be an announcement each week to let you know who has the chapter for next week and what day it will be on.

The conversation in the comments section can go all week long. We will be checking in at least once a day to see anything new that you have to say. So if this idea appeals to you, but you wouldn't be able to read until Monday, don't let that stop you! Come in on Monday, read, and join in the discussion!

Feel free to comment about any observations you have about the chapter or what I have written. Ask any questions you have. Answer any questions others have posted.

I truly believe that if you try this you will like it. It will be a chance for us all to grow together in Christ and have good fellowship...even if it is over the Internet!

We very much desire for all of you to join us in this. If you have any questions, feel free to ask any of us as you see us, shoot us an email, or call us. My own email is and I check it every day, usually more than once.

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