Tuesday, June 9, 2009

WOmen DIsciping Women

Oh Jaz, this subject has been in my mind a lot lately. I've been wrestling with this subject for quite some time now. And I'm so glad you guys are talking about it. I do have a question though, what is the difference between service/minister and discipleship? Maybe some of us have been disciple and didn't see it that way. Or maybe we ARE discipling someone and are not calling it by its proper name...

Anyway, that's just my thought. :)

My response:

Esme, I am certainly not qualified to answer this in a complete way, but here are my thoughts.
The way we often define disciplship is very narrow. I think discipleship is the life of a christian. It is us following our Lord and becoming like Him. He who began the good work in us will complete it, we are being molded in to the image of His Son, Jesus. We are to see Jesus as our Lord and Savior and our example and live out in action (everyday life) the faith we claim to have in Him. Discipleship encompasses all of life. Disciples are not only taught the word, but then pursue obedience to it. So, if we are taking our life as disciples (followers of Jesus) seriously we will be serious about learning who He has revealed Himself to be according to the scriptures.We are in a sense being discipled from the pulpit and bible classes because we are being instructed, but that is not complete. There must be a coming alongside aspect there as well. Service/ministry is the lifestyle of a the disciple; therefore someone who comes alongside of us and with their own two hands, sweat, prayers and tears SHOWS us how to live life in Jesus, they are in fact discipling us as well. A woman who adorns the Gospel is defined by self-control, kindness, husband loving, children loving, home guarding, purity, sensibleness, and being submissive to their own husband. We should want to be like this, but it isn't automatic. It is a life of pursuing God with a whole heart and having women who have been pursuing Him and are able to show us how to cultivate these things in our own lives. And, if we are discipling someone we are shortchanging them if all we do is a Bible study and leave them with the ability to pass a theology test, but they have little ability to live that theology out when it comes to their marriage, child rearing, friendships, ministry, speech, school work, jobs....... life! I would also say that just ministering to them in some way is not a complete view of discipling someone either. It is life, lived together in the gospel as we help one another live the cross centered life. I don't know if that is helpful or make any sense. I know it is incomplete. I hope others will join in on the conversation here and help us work it through.

Here are a few questions I ask myself when I am discipling someone.

1. What are their needs? What is an area or a few areas that they desire to grow in? (such as speech, doctrine,submission, self-control, etc.)

2. What is the best way to help them grow in godliness in these areas?

Make a plan together.

These are some for during the process:

1. Do they see growth?

2. Do I see growth?

3. Have others noticed growth?

In other words, is change visible?

Is the growth in Christ likeness? Remember I am not making mini mes. Though, hopefully they are following you to the degree you follow Christ.

For my own discipleship I think I have to ask similair questions.

Am I living out the gospel in certain aspects of my life more than yesterday?

Do I see Jesus more clearly?

Is that visible in my speech?

Is it visible in my marriage?

Does the person or people discipling me drive me more to Christ and cross centered thinking in the everyday aspects of my life? In other words, Do I deal with my tantrum throwing 2 year old in a gospel exalting way? My husband? Do I submit as unto the Lord? Is my home a place of peace and rest for family, friends and strangers?

We need proper teaching in these areas, but we also need women who will live life with us leading the way! We need older women to center us on God, but put hands and feet to it along with us. Sometimes that means physically showing us, here is what to do. Sometimes it means listening to what we are struggling with and talking us through it. And other times it's coming over and cooking that meal and then saying, "Honey, now you try it." All the while reminding us that we are adorning the gospel of God and displaying His glory for all to see...... so cheer up and do it with great joy!

Remember I am still working through all this myself. I desire to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ everyday for the rest of my life. And, I can't do it alone......

For anyone interested, Susan Hunt has a book on women mentoring women. It is called, Spiritual Mothering: The Titus 2 Model for Women Mentoring Women.

My husband just ordered this book for me and I am looking forward to digging into it.


Esme said...

I'm sorry Jaz, I didn't intend for you to try to read my mind...but you did! This really helped me think more clearly about the subject. You are absolutely right, at least in my case, I had made discipleship less than what it should be. I had limited the possibilities and it resulted in right down confusion for me.
Thanks again sister!


jasmine aldrich said...

We talk too much and think too much alike for me not be able to read your mind! :) LOL Talking about discipleship with you in person has been helping me think through some of these things. I praise God for your passion to see women live life to the glory of God.
