Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Withholder is the Lover of Our Souls

"He who did not spare his own son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also give us all things?" (Romans 8:32)

What great love the Father has shown to us! "He demonstrated His own love for us in while we were still His enemies Christ died for us." ( Romans 5:8)

These verses cause me to praise and be hopeful and happy despite what life looks like at the moment.

God is the hope that does not disappoint. Life is filled with disappointments and struggle. Sometimes our circumstances can cause us to lose hope and let our countenance fall, so to speak, rather then live like we share in our Saviors abundant joy. At least I know that I do not always live like Jesus came that I may have life and have it to the full. I can trace it back to discontentment. Lydia Brownback had an interesting observation about Romans 8:32. She asks:
Can we be content if part of the "all things" includes some withholding? For the daughter of God, any withholding is itself a provision, and we experience it with joy when we know that the withholder love us.

So what has God withheld from you? A job? A house? A husband? Children? A certain desired ministry? Financial security? Health?

Remember the withholder is the Lover of our souls. He sent His only Son to purchase us to be a people for His own possession. He is Our all in all, in Him we have everything and He is Good. Sisters,we know it! We have tasted it, now let us savor it and look to the future with joy. A joy that is sustained even in times of suffering and loss (because they will come) because we have a sure hope in Christ Jesus our Lord.


Karen Seiders said...

Amen, Jasmine! It was really hard to be content over the past year as I had a long healing and recovery time due to my leg. I tried very hard to be content with my situation and tell myself that it is temporary. God was good to give me the strength to endure.

Kim Henry said...

Jaz, Thank you for your post. There has been some "withholding" in my life lately. I love the idea that withholding is a provision from our loving Father. Whenever He enters our thoughts we are able to get life back into perspective. God is so very good to give us all His great and gracious promises. Our job is to find them in the word and hold on tightly to them in our thoughts. If we are faithful to do our job we will have the joy that He wants for His children. I cannot comprehend His infinite love for us but I am so very thankful for it.