Monday, August 3, 2009


I've been reading Don Whitney's book Simplify Your Spiritual Life and I enjoyed the chapter Turn It Off! 
 I've always been an anxious person and I have been thinking of ways to simplify my life to aleviate anxiety.  Since I have been layed up with a broken leg for so long, things at home are very cluttered.  I haven't been able to clean closets or corners for so long and I realized that this is causing me anxiety.  So I am tackling the areas that bother me the most first.  I have decided that most of the stuff that I have been saving or leaving in a box because "I might need it someday" just needs to be eliminated from the contents of my home.  So, Dan said he would help me put donateable things in the back of the truck so I can just take it all at once to Goodwill.  Its such a freeing feeling to simplify in this area.
Another area that I have been thinking about simplifying my life is in the area of entertainment.  Mr. Whitney told about how his grandparents lived in a farmhouse where it was quiet and peaceful.  If they wanted to go to town or visit someone they had to go to all of the work to hook up the team of horses to the wagon and take a bumpy ride where ever they wanted to go.  Today, things are much easier.  We can just get in the car and drive to anywhere we want to go, turn on the TV and see just about anything that exists, or turn on the radio and hear music and news from all over the world.  I decided to take his advice and turn off the TV, radio, computer and anything else that was a distraction.  What I found was that I was much calmer and I enjoyed just sitting and listening to the sounds of the birds . It was peaceful.  I could actually think.  How I wish sometimes that I could live like his grandparents did in the peace and quiet.  There are so many distractions in my life that pertain to entertainment.  Everyday I fire up the computer to check my xanga blog and my Facebook page.  Then I have to read my e-mail and on and on.  Some days I look up from the computer and realize that hours have passed and I haven't done anything I set out to do that day.  Its frustrating.  Then most days I have the radio playing all afternoon.  I listen to Christian music but, I have found that I would rather have quiet most afternoons instead. When its quiet, I can think and pray and read.  Its very refreshing.  In the evenings our habit is to watch the news and then whatever looks good until we go to bed.  I really wish we could turn off that TV and play games or talk or go take a walk.  I'm praying that it could happen, but right now we seem to be in a rut. 
I'm trying to simplify my life in many other ways as well.  I had a thought the other day: God has blessed me so much I don't have anywhere to put it anymore!  That causes me to praise and thank the Lord for providing for my needs and also showering me with many good gifts.
I encourage you all to disconnect from whatever is a distraction in your life  Simplify your life in any way possible.  Get back to the basics.  It is such a great feeling and I hope you will take that "extra" time to get closer to God.

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