Friday, December 5, 2008

In light of Thanksgiving…

We spent Thanksgiving with Ryan’s family at his parent’s house. We had a great time! It’s funny though, how many families have gathered together and are connected now, through the Aldrich’s. Forty some years ago the Lord brought together Ruth and Roy in marriage. Over the years He gave them first Rick, then Randy, then Ryan (my personal favorite) and finally Rebecca. In 1994 He added me to their Thanksgiving family table, then the next year Aidan. Next He added Leila to the table. Then came Aaron and two years later Austin. Eventually He added Jasmine to the family table. Over the years have come many more children: Jackson, Mac Kenzie, Noelle, Calvin, and Jordyn. Then He added Eric (Rebecca’s husband) to the Aldrich table. Then came more children: Silas, Alexis and Sydney. Now here is where the fun begins…. Leila brought her mother Sue to the Aldrich table and I have brought my mom Susan to their table. Rebecca and Eric have brought his parent’s to the Aldrich table! Throughout the years other visitors have gathered around “the parent’s” table at Thanksgiving, Christmas or any other time of the year.

Why do I mention all of this? Because God was at work in all of these people’s lives to bring them all together at Thanksgiving and other times of the year to: fellowship, talk of the goodness of the Lord, to witness for Christ to unbelievers, to laugh, to cry and even sometimes to yell, humble ourselves and extend forgiveness. In all of these relationships God blesses us. He shows us His love, kindness, tenderness, and grace. He reminds us that relationships are good and ways for us to live out the love of Christ. He reminds me that I would not be able to really enjoy these people if it weren’t for Christ at work in our lives. He reminds me that He is my heavenly Father and many of the people present at the table around me are brothers and sisters in the truest sense: in Christ. He reminds me that those of us who are His children will have perfect relationships free from sin when we get to Heaven. He reminds me that in Christ, God brings together people from many walks of life and many backgrounds all for His glory! I have so much to be thankful for as I look around the Aldrich Thanksgiving Table and it all starts and ends with Jesus! What a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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