Friday, December 12, 2008

Faith vs. Sight

My family and I just watched “The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian”, which has recently been released on DVD. Although I know there are some who do not like the movie for various reasons, :cough Nichole cough: , I personally did enjoy it. I laugh to myself when I think about how Walt Disney has one main motive in producing these movies: money. And yet they are a means to provoke thought and discussion in believers and unbelievers alike, all over the world. I am sure that there are many people who had never read the books or heard of the analogy that is contained in them; who marveled at the Lion that would lay down his life to rescue the traitorous Edmond in the first movie. Similarly, I am sure that there are many who watched the second movie and thought that Lucy was either crazy or seeing things when she proclaimed seeing Aslan when none of their group (or the movie watchers for that matter) had. What wonderful opportunities are presented through these movies to talk about the underlying themes in them with people who will watch an entertaining movie but would not have talked about the gospel or faith, etc. up until that point! So it is in light of this that I will share my reflections from this particular movie!

The biggest thing that stands out to me in this movie is the contrast between walking by faith and walking by sight. In the movie, Lucy sees Aslan (because she was looking for him) and as such looks at a situation such as crossing a deep gorge with no bridge and certain death at the bottom, with faith. Surely Aslan wants them to go that way and would provide the means for them, though it seems hopeless; is Lucy’s mindset. This is contrasted with Peter who has not seen Aslan since their return to Narnia. He too is faced with a situation that is both difficult and seems hopeless. They are preparing to go to war against a much greater foe and Aslan is nowhere to be found (though Lucy challenges that maybe it is because Peter isn’t looking for him). Only Lucy says that she has seen him and is believed by Edmond alone. Peter carries the weight of the lives of the Narnians and his own family in his hands or so he thinks. As they make their plans, Lucy challenges him and calls him to remember Aslan…. To remember that though they must battle, that it was Aslan who defeated the White Witch not them. This is amazing and I hope not overlooked by those watching the movie. What a great reminder that we as believers have to trust in Christ as our strength, wisdom and guide rather than ourselves. Of course later in the movie when the Narnians are at their greatest need for deliverance, Aslan sends help and ultimately saves the day and the Narnians as well. In the end it is not the might of man that delivers one from a gruesome battle, but rather Aslan using the faith of a child (Lucy) who will risk all to seek and follow him. This was a great encouragement and reminder to me and I hope it will be to all of you as well.

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