Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Two Years Later

Wow, it is hard to believe that the True Women blog has been around for two years! I remember sitting in Betsy's sewing room with Jasmine and Esme brainstorming the colors and setup for the blog and deciding which days we preferred to blog on. I remember the nervous feeling in my stomach when we landed on May 5, 2008 as the date we would post our first blog, which I believe was a "Get to Know the Writers" post about me. I remember the hours Esme spent making me pose with some books in my living room, taking pictures after pictures for that post! Good times. :)

We've made a few changes along the way. Esme has stepped away to serve in other areas although I can assure all of you that she still provides us with lots of feedback and ideas! Betsy has also stepped back in order to better serve her family and her church down in Kentucky. We have much excitement for her and her family as they embark on this new phase of their lives and wish them well. Karen has joined our group and its been such a blessing to work with her!

One of my favorite aspects of writing/editing this blog is the way that I get to know the ladies working alongside me. Jasmine and I had a close relationship going in to this, but the blog really provided the means for me to develop significant friendships for Esme, Betsy, and Karen. It has been a huge blessing for me to get to know these women and grow in my love for them as sisters in Christ.

I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you who read our blog. It still amazes me that people do! We have a lot of fun writing it and hope that you all enjoy it as well. Of course, we always love feedback from all of you so feel free to shoot one of us an email or leave a comment on one of the posts if you have any ideas.

I also want to thank Jasmine, Karen, Betsy, and Esme for the work they have put into the blog. It takes a surprising amount of work to come up with something to write about each week and they have done so admirably. Thank you so much for your thoughts and insight, ladies. I look forward to reading your posts each week!

God has blessed me so much through this blog and I thank Him every day for the work that He is doing in me through it.

Lord Bless,


1 comment:

Judy said...

Thank you Nichole, for all of your hard work and dedication in this and so many other areas here at the church. You are a blessing to us all!