Monday, May 24, 2010

My will vs. God's will

This is the first summer in several years that I am able to get outside and enjoy God's creation. I am enjoying it so far, even though its been cloudy and cool outside. I thank the Lord every day for healing my leg!

Lately I have realized that I am enjoying it so much that I am causing myself to get extremely tired and have much pain. As some of you know, I have several autoimmune diseases as well as a hurt leg. When I over-do-it, these diseases cause me to become very tired and weak. I know that when I "crash" I need to slow down my activity and allow my body to rest. This is especially hard this summer since I want to get out and do things that I have been waiting so long to do.

I have also been doing much more with my hurt leg than I have in years. The surgeon told me to let pain be my guide as far as what I can and shouldn't do. I wasn't following that advice and now my leg and knee is so sore that I dread walking on it.

My point is that I am driving myself too hard because I want to do things that I think are necessary. I am not happy that I have restrictions. But, I need to remind myself that God promises to provide the strength to do what He wants me to accomplish each day, not necessarily what I think needs to be accomplished.

I need to accept that I have physical limitations now and that God has allowed these limitations for a reason. I realize that I am fighting against God and that is never smart.

Most everyone has a limitation of some kind. It could be physical or maybe it is a time issue. I think we all need to ask ourselves if what we want to do coincides with what God's will is. Otherwise, we are just like mice running around and around on a wheel but never getting anywhere.

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