Thursday, October 29, 2009

Blogs I Like - Part 2

Life Hacker

This is a very cool blog; in fact, it is too cool for me. They update many times a day with posts ranging over a myriad of topics all with one goal: to make life easier (hence "lifehacker"). This blog has something that appeals to everyone. I usually skip over the computer/software posts as they are usually way over my head. But if you watch, you can learn neat ways to make Gmail perform better and Facebook do things you didn't even know were possible.
I really enjoy the posts on more general topics. The other day they had a really good one on managing finances. Other favorites include: how to order at a five star restaurant, how to hide money so a burglar won't find it, and how to use vinegar to give your towels their life back.
This blog is extremely practical and I've learned so many little tricks to save time and money every day. There is no way you can keep up with every post; it would be a full time job in of itself. They help you with that, though, by giving the title of each post a 'tag' that identifies what kind of topic the post is. You can quickly identify which tags you are interested in and only pay attention to those. My favorite tag is the 'tip jar' which is just a series of tips that didn't really deserve a full post but were too good to discard completely. I definitely recommend that you check this blog once or twice a day; the posts are short and you can see in just seconds if they have updated something you are interested in.

Tim Challies
Tim Challies lives in Canada with his wife and children and works as a web designer. He is also one of the top Christian bloggers in the world. I like Challies' blog in part because it is very organized. His topics are always good and his posts, while sometimes on the long side, are well written, thought out, and biblical. I enjoy his 'A La Carte' posts where he links to interesting articles that he found throughout the day. He also does a 'Free Stuff Fridays' post where he gives you tips on where to find...well, free stuff. :)
Another feature of his blog that I enjoy are his 'Reading the Classics Together' series. Challies take a classic book (the most recent of which was 'Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment' by Jeremiah Burrows) and doe a book study with his readers. We read a chapter a week and then he will write a post with his thoughts and observations on the chapter and the readers discuss in the comments.

CJ Mahyne's View from the Cheap Seats
CJ Mahyne doesn't update his blog very often but his posts are always worth reading. He does a lot of series. Recently he has also been doing a lot of interviews with some of the big names in the Christian world and he just finished up an awesome series on Adoption. He also just brought on two other pastors from Sovereign Grace to write with him.

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