Monday, July 27, 2009

Julie Ganschow Interview - Part 1

Hello Ladies! As you all know, the Strengthening Women conference is fast approaching and this year our speaker is Julie Ganschow, a biblical counselor. She will be speaking on biblical communication, which is a hugely important subject in any Christian's life. I personally am very excited about the conference and I hope you all are too!

In order to get to know Julie a little better, the girls and I came up with some 'interview' questions and Julie was extremely gracious to reply to them. We wanted to share her answers with you. So here you are, ladies, the first of four posts devoted to getting to know Julie!

"Julie, we are very excited to get to know you here at the True Women blog. Our church is greatly anticipating the upcoming conference in October. Thank you so much for being willing to come and speak on such an important subject as communication.

We would like to take some time to let those who read the blog get to know a little bit about what makes you, you!

I (Jaz), though born in
Missouri, was raised here in good old K-town. Most of the women here on the blog spent most of their lives here as well.

We know you were in Milwaukee for a while at least, but where did you grow up? We would love to hear some fun stories from your childhood!
I was born and raised in Wisconsin. I lived in Greenfield until I was an adult and married. Being the youngest of 4 children I was raised as an only child because everyone else was gone already!
Being the "caboose" had great benefit :) Vacations, material things, I lacked nothing. Probably the best thing was the look on my sister's face when my parents bought a dishwasher- right after she moved out! ;)

Nichole is presently in college at UW-Parkside going for a degree in finance. I have seen how much this decision has influenced her life.

Where did you go to school and what did you study?

My first goal was to be a nurse. When I blew up the chemistry lab (true!!) I thought maybe I should consider a different career. My next thought was to be an actress. I intended to go to New York and be on the stage, but planned to try and get into daytime television too. Many of my classes back then were theater oriented.
Then I realized all I really wanted to be was a wife and mommy. I ditched school entirely until I started homeschooling our children.
These days, I am trying to finish my Bachelor's in Biblical Counseling

We know from your blog that you are a happily married woman.

How did you meet your spouse and how long have you been married?

Larry and I have known each other since the 7th grade. We tried dating a while in High School, but it did not work out. Life took us both in different directions but in 1989 we reconnected as adults and picked up our friendship where we left off, only better. We had remained friends throughout the years and had a once a year "date" at the July 4 celebration for our city.

In the early days of our adult relationship, we spoke a lot by phone because of the geography and time restraints involved. We discussed our faith and beliefs and what we wanted out of life in our adulthood. Our first date was on New Years Eve and we had our first fight that night too.... I could not imagine what we would fight about, I thought we were having a great time! He went to a deserted part of the parking lot, and reached behind my seat and came out with 2 cans of Silly String. We got out of the car, stood back to back, counted 10 paces and turned and shot this stuff at each other!

When he brought me home at the end of the night I realized my face actually hurt from laughing!

That would be an indication of our life together. My husband is the joy of my life and even after a few decades together we still enjoy each others company more than anything else. He is my best friend, and the love of my life.

I'm guessing that you are a very busy woman between loving your husband and family and counseling, but when you have some spare time, what do you enjoy doing?

Because we now live in a condo, I am able to spend more time doing what I really love as a pass time - writing. There is something wonderfully comforting to me about pouring thoughts into words on a page. I am always amazed at what comes out and even more amazed at how I see God using it. I never thought my words would have an impact on anyone's is incredibly humbling to me to hear women talk about using my books as Bible studies.

I also love to watch old movies and read historical fiction. If I am going to "waste" time, that is what you will find me doing!

This next question is not just out of curiosity. Some of us ladies have toyed with the idea of taking some biblical counseling courses. I have personally benefited from books on counseling women in my own ministry here at TBC. Right now, the women at our church are reading through your book, Seeing Depression Through the Eyes of Grace.

We would like to know how you came to the decision to be a biblical counselor?

Well, that is a question that has a long answer...I was interested in counseling in my early 20's and thought about becoming a social worker. I believed what I heard about psychology and thought it would be a good way to help people. The problem was I saw so many people who went to counseling who were no different than before they started! I also really believed that the Bible was sufficient for life and godliness and could not understand why Christians I knew were in such bad shape and being diagnosed with all sorts of mental illnesses and in therapy for years.

In my 30's I
was teaching woman's Bible study and the head of the Woman's Ministry at our church. Those positions caused women to naturally gravitate towards me looking for help with life's problems. I found that too often the women preferred to believe they had an illness rather than a spiritual problem. Our Pastor counseled from an integrated position, mixing the Bible with psychology. He once counseled a couple for 20 years-before they got divorced! I knew there had to be a better way.

I had
heard about John MacArthur's Shepherds Conference and the Associate Pastor at my church let me listen to some of the sessions on tape about Biblical Counseling and psychology. Listening to those few tapes turned my world on its head. I investigated NANC (National Association of Nouthetic Counselors) and enrolled in a distance learning course. From there, I began reading every book I could get my hands on and attending conferences and seminars presented by the people whose books I read.

I am more convinced than ever that God's Word is completely sufficient to meet all the problems of mankind. I have honestly never come up against something the Bible does not address. He is enough!

Those with a desire to serve should follow that desire and get some good training. I strongly encourage women to disciple other women. Biblical counseling is really intensive discipleship and we need to be equipped to understand how to minister to one another.

In order to see more information regarding the upcoming conference, please visit the Strengthening Women Website!

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