Monday, July 20, 2009

Give God our fears

I read Psalm 34 recently and it seemed like God was speaking just to me.  I have realized lately that I allow many fears into my heart.  I'm afraid of what is going on in the US right now and I also fear that although I can walk now, that I will always be in pain.  Verse 4 of this Psalm says "I sought the Lord and He answered me and delivered me from all of my fears".  So, God is saying to tell Him about anything that makes me afraid and He will deliver me from it.  I think that sometimes God takes away what I fear and sometimes He gives me the strength to endure it.  God wants His people to perservere thru trials.  Like Paul said, we are to fight the good fight, stay the course and keep the faith.
Verse 7 says "the angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and rescues them".  This is also encouraging to me.  God says that He will protect me and rescue me.  I think about how Peter was led out of jail by an angel and I think of an experience I had as a kid when our family was driving through the mountains in Colorado.  It was night and we were in the middle of a big snow storm.  My Dad was driving in almost white out conditions and the road, when he could actually make it out, was windy.  There were no tracks in the snow from a prior car.  We all prayed that the Lord would get us down the mountain safely.  Then we saw some taillights in the distance and my Dad followed them all of the way down.  As we got into civilization again, we noticed that there was no vehicle ahead of us anymore.  I have always believed that those taillights were provided by God to rescue us. 
Since that experience, I have often thought about the many times that God protects me that I am not even aware of.  I have had many experiences where I see accidents along the road where if I had been just a few seconds farther down the road, I would have probably been involved.  Did God allow something to happen that caused me to be a bit late so that I wouldn't be in the wrong place at the wrong time?  Did I have to stop for a red light which made me frustrated, just to keep me from the danger?  I try to remember this when I run into frustrating things that make me late or have to take an alternate route.  
So, please read through this Psalm and remember that God will never leave you nor forsake you and that He is soverignly in control.  As Christians we have nothing to fear. 

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