Friday, January 23, 2009

One of our hot water pipes that runs to our downstairs sink burst today. It was an impressive break. It actually burst right in the middle of a CPVC 90 degree elbow. (Not at the seam where it joins to the CPVC pipe, but right in the crux of the elbow... WOW!...) In this trial, I see God's gracious hand in a lot of ways. Here's a few...

1. It burst beneath floor level so it caused no damage to the drywall.

2. Though the pipe was pouring water like a waterfall directly onto a Rubbermaid container in the basement which contained such precious items as my wedding dress, Aidan's dedication gown, baby blankets, an heirloom wedding quilt, my wedding headpiece, etc... not a drop of water got into it and God kindly kept them all safe and dry.

3. The burst pipe was relatively quickly discovered due to the fancy schmancy clothes washer that we have because it registered the lack of water pressure and kept giving us an error when I was trying to do laundry, which caused me to check the basement and as such the Lord used it to lead me to the waterfall...

4. Here is the perfect opportunity to fix that leak in the sink drain that I've been putting off for the last...(cough) 4 years

5. Here is the perfect opportunity to insulate the new pipes so that they will not freeze over every time the temperature drops below 10 degrees (that is: every other month year round and every other day, during the winter.)

6. Here is also the perfect opportunity to move the pipes from their experimental placement in the northern exterior wall of the house (it seemed like a great idea to me at the time!) to come up through the floor of the vanity (protected by the aforementioned pipe insulation.)

7. It certainly gave me good incentive to clean out under the sink and get rid of stuff. Maybe after I re-attach everything, I can store towels down there!

8. It gave me an opportunity to share the way God blessed our family with some unsaved friends that were at my house scrapbooking tonight as well as with all of you!

9. It showed me the tender compassionate understanding of the Lord who would care enough about me to take care of silly sentimental things that I hold onto, though they have no eternal value - which causes me to rejoice in Him more than those things.

10. It gave Ryan and I an opportunity to be a witness of peace and joy in the midst of trials to our three boys (and God supplied the grace to keep us peaceful and joyful in the midst of the trial too!)

So I guess the moral of the story is: in everything, be thankful! God is doing good stuff and showing us His lovingkindness! May we all see His kindnesses even in the trials of life!

(... Post script: God was also so kind to allow us to get our pipes fixed on the very next day, with very little hassle and all is back up and running now! )

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