Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My New Years Resolution

Whenever the New Year approaches I like asking what people are resolving to do this coming year. It is always interesting, you hear everything from losing weight, to more consistent Bible reading, to renewing relationships lost or you may get a little " bah, I don't do resolutions because nobody actually keeps those anyway" response. But I remain interested in where people feel the need to improve or where interests are picked up or renewed.

For me when I use this time of reflection on the past year my sins and weaknesses seem overwhelming so I am often battling that with remembering the cross especially around this time. I then resolve to read "The Cross Centered Life" again. And hence my journey begins in reminding myself and preaching the gospel to myself everyday for the next year. I start my Bible reading plan yet again and I realize that in general I have the same resolutions every single year. Some kept, some not, like the " I'm going to run every single day all year long" resolution. But the constant ones that I can't help but resolve to do, and then do, is read the word and meditate on the gospel. I hope that many of us will be encouraged and keep in mind Betsy's post on the value of being daily in the Word as we battle against our flesh.

I am also still reflecting, evaluating and losing/ winning in areas that I reflected on last year on my Xanga, so I am not going to be giving a huge list of personal resolutions when I am still working on the same stuff from last year! :)

The one new thing I am determined to do this year though is do a more thorough study on love in the Bible. I do not want to study it for the sake of more knowledge, but I do want my love to abound more and more.(Phil.1:9) And I want the Lord to increase my love for others.(1Thess.3:12)
One Bible commentator said, The Christian may not rest in any measure of attainment, however great, but must always be stretching out after a closer approximation to the standard, which is Christ. Hence, I wish to become more intimately acquainted with the love of Jesus so my heart can all the more sing: More love to Thee, O Christ, more love to Thee! I am moved by the words of Maurice Robert, Then let every Christian take up the duty of Christian love with tenfold seriousness. Our life's work must be to call down heaven's help upon ourselves that we may bend towards the great command to love one another. So there you have it, I want to learn about and pray for more love. I plan on doing this through marking what I read on love during my normal Bible reading as well as reading some good books that take up this subject. I am already almost done with Love or Die by Alexander Strauch, which has a short study guide with it that I am going to use.

What about you? I am interested in your reflections and resolutions. I am also interested in any suggested reading on the subject of love, or any thoughts from those who have done more study in this area. Thank you!


WisconsinKaren said...

I have been reading Matthew so far this year and the chapters on worry have really challenged me and I want to change from a worrier to a truster.

I also have been challenged by the first few chapters of Matthew to live one day at a time, not in the past or in the future. I'm kind of frustrated right now about continuing not to be unable to walk
and I need to remember to do the best I can do each day and cast my cares on the Lord and trust Him.

Anonymous said...

Practical and cheap is the name of my resolutions this year. I wanted to read more, maily to enhance my Bible reading. But also, to chanllenge my thinking and become better prepared to engage our culture. So, I'm starting by reading books we already own (that's the cheap part.) On the more practical side, I hope to put a little more "heart" into my cooking. I really don't care for cooking...and it shows! My hubby and kids could really benefit from a little more effort, care, and planning in that department.

Btw, we're having frozen pizza today...LOL!!