Thursday, January 8, 2009

Adoption and Evangelism - Part 2

I promised you three more arguments for adoption/foster care on Tuesday and here they are, for your consideration:

1. Opportunities to witness to the families of the children. This is especially applicable in the instance of foster care. You will usually have contact with the child's parents and siblings. This is a huge reason, especially as our church continues to seek for ways to be outward facing.

2. Opportunities to witness to social workers. These men and women will have much interaction with you and there will be ample opportunity to speak of the Lord and His gospel. The social worker that Pastor Rick and Jasmine talked to told them that (although she didn't know why) people who went to church consistently usually made the best foster parents, which was one of the reasons she was so eager to have a group from our church get certified.

3. Opportunities to witness to unsaved family, friends, and neighbors. People tend to have very strong feelings about foster care and adoption. I am reminded of the scene from Anne of Green Gables, when Marilla announces to her neighbor that she and her brother are going to adopt a little boy, and the neighbor begins to rattle off reason after reason about why this was a terrible idea. People will ask you why and it will be the perfect opening to discuss your own adoption into God's family and how you are taking the opportunity to show the love of God to young children who have not experienced it.

Please prayerfully consider this opportunity to have an immense impact on the life of a child, and on countless others that you will interact with along the way. God has commanded us to look after the widows and orphans and to show them the love of God. These children will not be orphans in the Webster's dictionary definition of the word, but they are orphans in the truest sense of the word. I hope to see you all in the certification classes coming up. God bless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Every so often a book comes on that changes people's lives. Invisible Kids ( is such a book. It necessarily changes the reviewer when working to change the lives of foster kids throughout America.