Monday, September 13, 2010

When you don't think you can endure "that"....

A few weeks ago I had a problem with my leg that was broken so badly. Its been almost 3 years since the original injury, but there have been so many complications I was told I would always have trouble.

In our backyard the ground is very uneven and there were many large tree roots. My husband and I were doing some yard work there and when we finished, I realized that my leg was very sore. Then I remembered that the surgeon warned me that at the point where the strong metal plate on the bone ends and the remaining unprotected bone continues, there is an area that can easily be cracked. I thought about how uneven the ground had been and realized that I may have actually cracked the bone. I felt a sick feeling come over me.

I decided to just stay off of it as much as I could and put ice on it and see if it would feel better the next day. But, when I woke up the next morning and got out of bed, I felt that same, sickening pain. I was afraid that I had really broken it again and I just told God that I didn't think I could deal with more trouble with my leg.

I quickly realized what I had said. I wasn't willing to yield to God's will, I just wanted things my way. I wasn't willing to persevere through that trial. I also realized that I was trying to do things in my own strength again, and not relying on God's strength.

Thankfully, the Lord didn't allow that particular trial into my life. My leg is getting better. But, I sure did have an awakening and God showed me these sins in my life so I could repent and change my thinking. God is good!

1 comment:

Leila said...

Thanks for sharing Karen, what a great reminder of how easily we forget to trust God in all things!