Thursday, June 3, 2010

Application of Knowledge

Today is the last day of hermeneutics class. I spent far more time on the lessons each week than I had thought I would and far less time than I should have. I've been considering how best to put in a plan to continue to use what I have learned because I don't want to walk away from this with the attitude that the class is over and I don't have to think about Bible study any more. I got to know the book of Philippians and the book of Philemon far better than any other books in the Bible and I am excited to expand my range.

As we began approaching the end of the class, we started to discuss application. We spent weeks and weeks pouring over the text, dissecting the details, understanding the original intent and the themes, and now we knew the text. But none of this knowledge was worth anything without application.

We all know of people who can talk really well. They use all the right words, read all the right authors, visit all the right blogs. They can pull out Jonathan Edwards quotes in the middle of conversation and speak with much authority. But, when their lives are examined, you cannot see very well how all of their knowledge has impacted their lives. Ladies, we have been well taught. We have a vast array of resources at our disposal. Reading and studying are critical to the Christian life but only if that which is read and studied is put into actual practice in our lives!

Next week I am going to share some of the application that I took from our Philippians class. I encourage you all to consider what you have been reading lately, be it the Bible, a book, or a blog, and decide what practical and physical ways you can put your knowledge into practice in the upcoming weeks.

1 comment:

Jasmine Aldrich said...

Great Post, Nichole! It is a good reminder that whether we are studying the Bible ourselves or hearing it preached, we ought walk away changed people. I do not want to be the person who walks away and deludes myself. James 2:22 But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves.