Monday, March 2, 2009

His Love Will Never Fail

I do not ask to see the way
My feet will have to tread;
But only that my soul may feed
Upon the living Bread.
’Tis better far that I should walk
By faith close to His side;
I may not know the way I go,
But oh, I know my Guide.

His love can never fail,
His love can never fail,
My soul is satisfied to know
His love can never fail.

And if my feet would go astray,
They cannot, for I know
That Jesus guides my falt’ring steps,
As joyfully I go.
And tho’ I may not see His face,
My faith is strong and clear,
That in each hour of sore distress
My Savior will be near.

His love can never fail,
His love can never fail,
My soul is satisfied to know
His love can never fail.

I will not fear, tho’ darkness come
Abroad o’er all the land,
If I may only feel the touch
Of His own loving hand.
And tho’ I tremble when I think
How weak I am, and frail,
My soul is satisfied to know
His love can never fail.

His love can never fail,
His love can never fail,
My soul is satisfied to know
His love can never fail.

I am approaching my final months as a student. In year 2010 I will officially have graduated from Parkside. And although this thought fills me with excitement and joy, it also brings fear. For I "do not know the way I go" after school.

For as long as I can remember I have been in school. I have many fond memories learning to read and add with my mom. I can tell stories of my two years in an actual school before being homeschooled through my high school graduation. I can wax long and eloquently on my homeschooling experience. I have great anecdotes from my time in college. And although I have faced many changes throught my carreer as a student, one thing has remainded the same - I was always a student! My main occupation was going to school! And that is about to change.

I will be entering into a totally unknown stage of my life. Lord willing, I will find a job and will be able to continue to support myself. Otherwise, I guess I will always have Tenutas! :) Anyone who has ever been in my position can associate with the fear and trembling that goes along with the college graduation.

The point of all this? "I do not know the way I go, But oh, I know my Guide!" I love this phrase! I cannot tell you how my heart sours when I hear these words for they are so true!

We have all been in, or are in, or will be in a time of serious change. My parents are facing their first child's marriage. My sister Bekah is facing marriage (which is bigger than graduation!) I can think of many instances where I have seen all of you go through various changes, some good, some hard.

What a joy it is to know that even in our unstable world that is constantly changing, we serve an unchanging God! And His love truly shall never fail. Let us find our satisfaction in this truth as we face the challenges and changes the Lord has for us this week.

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