Friday, March 20, 2009


Today my husband and I were running some errands and I started pondering how different we will be when (Lord willing) we are older. I don’t mean just in 5 or 10 years, though I am sure we will have changed much, but in 30 or 35 years if the Lord tarries and we are still alive to enjoy each other. How will we look at each other? How will our outlooks on life have changed? How will we have changed physically? What challenges will we have faced or be facing at that time? How will we have grown spiritually? What things which are so important to us now, will have faded into nothingness and what things will fill our hearts? How will we spend our time? (…will we still play video games?... ) And yes, I even wonder about how our “bedroom life” will have changed.

Ryan and I have been together since we were both 17 years old. We have been together 15 years now, and we have been through a lot. As such, we have changed a lot. We have mellowed out about some things and become more passionate about other things. Sometimes it seems like most everything about us has changed in some manner or another over the last 15 years. Now we are entering into some years that will be full of change. We are preparing to move away from our hometown, all of our family and friends and loved ones, even life as we have known it! Our boys are growing up and will shortly be entering the years where they will be men and pursuing their lives separate from mine and Ryan’s. That brings a ton of questions and thoughts of change to my mind.

And though there is the potential for anxiety or fear, I am instead choosing to look with eyes of faith. Not faith in me or in my husband, but rather faith in God who has been the One to bring about all that is good and wonderful in our lives. You see, as I look over the last 15 years, I see God bringing Jesus into our lives and giving us hope and an inheritance and real purpose for living. I am so blessed to be able to see Jesus at work in my boys lives, having saved them and now growing them in godliness little by little. I see that in everything God has always been 100% faithful and that He has carried us through all of the change; indeed, He has brought about the change for our good. All this change causes me to reflect on the fact that it is all still just a taste of how all of creation and God’s children will be changed when Jesus returns, anyways. So as I look to the future, I am sure that God will bring change, but it will be good.

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