Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Joy of Being Home

I love being home. There is a great sense of fulfillment and purpose in keeping my home on a daily basis. There are many who have asked how it can be done.”Aren't you bored?” “I couldn't do that, I'd kill myself and my kids.” “I get such fulfillment in accomplishing something and contributing to society.” “I didn't go school to waste my time, talents, and skills at home where nobody appreciates them.” I have heard those words, not only on television but from other women I have known or been acquainted with. And I am here to say, “No, I am not bored, I haven't killed myself yet and have no desire to, and I don't believe I'm wasting my time.”

I enjoy doing what God created me to do.(Titus 2:3-5) I praise Him that He has given me pleasure and fulfillment in doing what adorns His Gospel and displays His glory. I admit, it's not fancy work and I don't dress in a suit everyday for fear milk, puke, juice, snot, or spaghetti sauce will get all over it. But this God ordained work of guarding my home is beautiful and is going to be a life long pursuit for me.

If I wasn't home I would miss stuffed animal explosion day.

If I wasn't home, how could we do school in the gazebo and play baseball the minute math is done?

If I wasn't home, I wouldn't know how curiously similar my Calvin is to Curious George-the curious little monkey! I'd miss too much “Life With Calvin”. This alone is not worth missing out on.

If I wasn't home, I wouldn't get to play Wii baseball or boxing when the mosquitoes are too bad or it's pouring rain in the middle of the afternoon.

And, no matter what we are doing: school, baseball, video games, bible time, cooking, hanging with Nichole, or chores, I get to see the character of my children. I get to see where they struggle the most, what they need to work on, and have a gospel saturated baseball game, chore time, school time, story time, and cooking time. I get to disciple my kids in a very intimate, intensive, and intentional way.

Being home gives me opportunities to show hospitality a lot. I can meet with young ladies and have them spend the day with me... why? Because I am home.

If my husband needs to talk to me, or needs me in an impromptu meeting, I'm available. I love it!

Yes, there are days when my voice is hoarse from reading too many stories, I am sick of disciplining them for what seems like the ten thousandth time, and I'm too tired to care what is for dinner, but it's worth it. I wouldn't want to miss out on our Jesus talks, teaching the kids to read, and hearing Noelle read “and Judah went into Tamar” in a British accent no less, and then sit there wondering, “Is she old enough to be reading this stuff?”

I wouldn't want to miss out on cooking Chinese food with some very precious young ladies in my life, reading good books with these same young ladies on a regular basis, or Tuesday morning coffee and prayer with Debbie or going to the park with a friend, or chatting with Betsy and Esme and knowing I can get a hold of one of them morning, noon, or night, because they are home.

I want my daughter to experience this same joy. Over at the Girl Talk blog they are doing a series on how to raise your daughters to love and care for their home. You don't get more counter cultural than that. You should check it out.

At the beginning of my post, I said that for me this will be life-long pursuit. What does that mean? It means that even when my kids are grown and out of my home, I have no desire to do anything else but keep my home. My goals, hopes, dreams, and aspirations are simply to live for Jesus. I never picture my home as being empty. If the Lord wills, I desire for it to be full until I go to be with Jesus. I want to care for children when their parents can't or won't. I want my home to be a place where strangers are welcome and people gather to talk, eat, and learn to be keeper's of the home as well. I hope that when I am old I will have gained enough skill and wisdom by the grace of God that I have something to pass on.

My husband does not plan on ever retiring. He plans, if the Lord is willing, to shepherd for the rest of his life and work in security if that is the only way to accomplish this goal..... so why should I retire? I want to be right in there with him, coming alongside of him in my home. (Of course I'll probably be in a lot better shape, being so much younger and all)! I want to do this, even if I am disabled like Amy Carmichael who was bedridden for the last 20 years of her life. All she could do was pray for and with the many children she rescued in India.

Oh, Lord grant me grace that I might persevere like that and instill these things in my daughter.

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