Friday, August 1, 2008

Having A Fiesta Heart!

My neighbors recently had a “fiesta.” I am not sure what they were celebrating, but they really went all out for this party. They started getting their yard prepared and setting up at least a full day in advance. What fun it was to watch all the preparation. They seemed to be enjoying themselves immensely! They rented a gigantic bouncy “house” for the children. (This thing was 1 ½ stories high!) They strung up tarps in the trees to shade their backyard. They set out long lines of tables with decorations. They blew up balloons. They had a big piñata. They had lively music playing starting mid-morning and the party didn’t even start until early evening! Then when the party started, everyone seemed to be having a great time! Family and friends gathered together, their children playing and laughing, and all of them eating some fantastic smelling food!

As I watched and listened to the music and the way they were relating to each other, I couldn’t help but think of the parable in Luke 14 and Matthew 22 about the King who threw a wedding party. He sent out the invitations after all of the preparations for the joyous occasion were finished, but none of the original recipients wanted to come and celebrate with the King. It seems that they were all too busy with the everyday “stuff.” So instead He sent out His messengers to all the poor and needy and all the travelers on the road and many came to His celebration. How sad that the original recipients were so caught up in their own plans that they missed the great celebration the King had for them! How wonderful for the poor and needy and the travelers, who had nothing “of this world” to captivate them and were able to joyfully respond to the invitation!

I am so, SO glad that God “sent out” His messengers to me! I am so glad that He would invite me to His “marriage supper!” I imagine how it will be when we are with Jesus in glory, either in heaven or on the new earth. I know some people picture Heaven as some solemn place where everyone is too holy to smile, or where we stand around singing “Holy, Holy, Holy” all day; but I picture it as a place of real soul-bursting joy and celebration. How can it be anything less, when we are covered in the righteousness of Christ (our bride clothes!), we are free from sin, and we are in the presence of the most happy and complete person of all: God! I picture us celebrating with the Lord and the brethren from throughout the ages! Talking with Jesus, and Paul and Elijah, etc. Laughing with Peter… (people as boneheaded as he and I are sure to get along and have lots to laugh about!)

I have to say that my neighbor’s “fiesta” really encouraged me and added to my anticipation of the good which the Lord has for us with Him. It also reminded me to not set my heart on the things of this life which can so easily captivate us and distract us from the future hope and inheritance that we have awaiting us with our Lord! I know that someday we will be with Jesus, celebrating and enjoying His presence as well as fellowshipping with other believers, worshiping and filled with everlasting joy! What wondrous things we have to look forward to! Lord, help me to keep my heart and my eyes focused on You. Keep me looking up, not sideways!

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