Friday, August 15, 2008

Baptisms: My son Aidan's

Yesterday, I posted my youngest son’s baptism pictures and his testimony. Today I will post my oldest son’s baptism pictures and testimony. My middle son is also a professing believer who was baptized about 2 years ago so if any of you are interested in reading his testimony, you can feel free to email us here at True Women, and I can get that to you. But today’s focus is on Aidan’s testimony because he is the last of the group baptized on Sunday.

Aidan is a little mini-me. He is 13 years old and as much as a boy could possibly be like his mother, he is like me. His voice hasn’t started changing yet, so he even sounds like me. When he bosses around his brothers, people have been known to turn around looking for me, since he even has my intonation matched. Sadly he has many of the same struggles I do. For years he has battled with whether he could be saved due to his ongoing struggle with sin, especially pride. He has cried out for salvation many times but was never sure of whether he was saved since he saw how much he still loved his sin. Similar to his brother Austin, I would not give him any assurance of salvation, but would simply point him back to the complete work of salvation and forgiveness that we can have in Christ if we believe the promises of the gospel. Recently we went to a “Do Hard Things” conference and Mr. Harris spoke on the nature of a believer verses an unbeliever. He explained about how as a believer, your desires change and though you may have some (or many) of the old habits, God is still at work in you and it starts with your desires and affections, etc. (This is my quick paraphrase.) This really helped to define Aidan’s struggle to him and gave him a “peace” about his own battle. He had trusted in the finished work of Christ and was battling sin (by the power of the Holy Spirit). As such, God used Mr. Harris’ speech to reveal how He was working in Aidan, namely in his desire for holiness and honoring God in his life, as well as the pursuit thereof. Ryan and I and other people who interact with Aidan had thought that he was a believer for at least a year prior to this, and were thankful to see God move in Aidan to trust in the work of Christ for salvation and assurance of faith, too. Here is his testimony.

Aidan’s Testimony:
Good morning. My name is Aidan Aldrich. I learned about God and the gospel through my parents teaching, Sunday school, and reading the bible, etc. Before I was saved I struggled with pride, anger, lying and cheating. And I still struggle with these things, but now I know and believe that Christ died for my sins and I am covered with His righteousness. I used to not think about “life when I’m an adult”. I just did school and chores and played video games… and that was my average day. But as I got older I started to realize that I’m going to have to “do hard things” and not just be a lazy bum.

When my dad got laid off from work we had a lot of time to just talk about the gospel and things of God like obedience, kindness, self-control, gentleness, etc. while doing some jobs people asked us to do. Our talks helped me to realize that I needed a savior.

I’m glad that Jesus will always be there in my times of trials and struggles. I know that I will never be perfect before I die because God is holy and I’m not. I praise the Lord for my salvation. (Eph 2:8-10) For by grace you have been saved through faith not of yourselves, it is the free gift of God not as a result of works that no man should boast. For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works that we might walk in them.

I pray that God would guide me and help me understand His word and I also pray that He would help me strive for Him. I thank God that He would send His only Son to die for me, a wretched sinner in need of a savior, and that Savior is Jesus Christ. I thank God that we have a hope for eternal life in Christ Jesus because He died and rose again on the 3rd day and defeated death. Jesus is my Friend, and God is my spiritual Father.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great God we serve! I have been greatly encouraged by these testimonies; to continue praying, and to keep laboring in faith. I can testify for the change of hearts reflecting in Kat's life, Austin's and Aidan's. May the Lord keep you and give you the desires of your hearts...we might just send out our first missionary...Lord bless.