Thursday, June 5, 2008

A Hunger for God…Through Fasting Part III

Then HOW should you fast?

1) How long should you fast? God didn’t ordain the length of time we should fast. John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist denomination, fasted every Wednesday and Friday and required all of his clergy to do the same. So whether the Holy Spirits leads you to fast for only one meal or forty days, the important thing is that your heart is driven by a godly purpose.

What type of fast you should do? Knowing how long you’ll fast, will help you determine what type of fast you may want to do. I could spend another day or two just talking about types of fasts. But for the sake of time and attention span…I’m just going to mention the most commonly known (among people I know) “normal fast” which is abstaining from all food, but not from water. Just remember the point IS to get hungry!

2) How to fast safely? You need to consider your health. If you’re pregnant, diabetic, or have any other chronic health problem this is not for you. When doing a rather lengthy fast I would recommend to consult with your doctor first.

3) How do you prepare? Plan, Plan, and Plan. Without planning to do it in the first place—it will not happen.

a. Have an eternal perspective. Without an eternal perspective it will be near impossible to endure the hunger and you will be tempted to give up at the first sight of hunger.

b. Plan what and who you’ll pray for. When I go in “hunger mode” I don’t have to search the files in my head as to what or who to pray for. I’ve gone from “I’m really hungry…oh yeah, I’m suppose to be praying” to “Lord, thank you for reminding me to pray for…”

c. Wean yourself. Resist the urge to pig out on your last meal. I start by not having anything to eat or drink the night before I fast. Waking up hungry allows me to hit the floor running, so to speak, no time to think, no turning back.

4) How do you explain to friends and love ones? My mind goes specifically to people working outside the home and I can suggest you simply saying “I have other plans for lunch today.” Of course, plan ahead and if you expect to be going out to lunch with co-workers, vendors, etc. just do it on a day that there will be less explaining to do. For Christian friends, we should just be able to answer with a simple “I’m fasting today.” My husband is learning not to ask anymore why I’m not eating…what he doesn’t know is that sometimes I don’t have what they’re having simply because I don’t like it…

Please join me tomorrow as I wrap this up.

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