Monday, July 12, 2010

Little things become the big things

I ran across a bit of advice the other day that I wish I had heard years ago. The advice is to "enjoy the little things in life, for one day, you'll realize they were the big things", and as I look back on my life, this has proven to be so true.

When I was a young mother, it seemed like changing diapers and crying babies were going to last forever. Day in and day out, I delt with the same things. Then they entered the "terrible twos" and again, I thought this stage would last forever. As they continued to grow up, there were many different stages and I always thought they would last forever.

I wasn't very interested in taking a lot of pictures back then. We didn't have digital cameras in the old days so, we had to take a large amount of pictures before we could take the film to be developed which was rather expensive. Then about a week later, we had to go and pick up the prints which may or may not have turned out. And besides, I didn't think I would ever forget those days.

Well, now that my boys are all grown up, I realize that I don't remember much about those days and the pictures I have are now very precious to me.

So, my point in all of this is that young moms or anyone for that matter, should take every opportunity to take pictures or journal about little things that happens in their lives. I have learned how important this is. It is so true that the little, everyday moments of our lives are what make up the big things in life.


Jasmine Aldrich said...

Karen, this is a good post. You have inspired me to dig out my camera and take a picture of my 3 year old playing a toy guitar and singing into the fan.

MerelyHolli said...

Thank you for this Karen. I know these days are fleeting and not promised... I want to embrace them now while I can