Tuesday, July 6, 2010

For the Young Mother

I came across an article called, For The Young Mother: Ministry, Guilt, and The Seasons of Life.

I found encouragement and wanted to encourage some of the young moms that I know read this blog.

As we wake up each morning caring for the needs of a crying, nursing baby, a sick or cranky toddler, as we watch our children play and grow, as we discipline and teach them to share and be kind and obey the first time (we say fast and first), we can grow weary and feel as if we aren't doing much for the kingdom of God. We pray over our children, we teach them the gospel, we even try and make them part of the little time we have to minister outside of caring for them, and then we are riddled with guilt and an uneasy feeling that we are not doing enough.

Our society and our churches tend to feed that guilt and discouragement. It is rare to receive encouragement from the pulpit, a bible class, or even another woman in the church during this season of life. Of course, it is even more rare that the world we live in would encourage you to press on and delight in this duty that God Himself has given you.

Jani Ortlund, the author of the short article says this:

Guilt is a young mother’s habitual shadow. It has a nasty way of soaking through many of her efforts at nurturing, serving and loving others. “Am I doing enough for my children? For others? What do they think of me? What does God think of me?”

As a young mother everyone wants something from you—your family, your church, your boss, your neighbor. And most likely, you give way more than you ever thought you could. But along the way guilt nibbles at your soul, eating away your inner peace and joy. And it often lingers through the years, even after your children are grown and gone.

I would encourage you to go to the link and read her encouraging and helpful words to help you see this season the way we should and and live out this season of our lives for the glory of God.

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