Friday, January 22, 2010

Songs to Pray Through

So far this month we've talked a lot about prayer. We talked about ways that we can pray for some of the leaders of our church. We've reviewed a couple of books on prayer. We've talked about the importance of praying without ceasing and also of the potential power that our prayers can have when praying through Scripture.
Another time I have found that naturally goes to prayer is while listening to music. There are songs whose lyrics are so good that my heart cannot be content merely to sing them, but to pray them! There are lines of songs call my heart to prayers of thanksgiving to the Lord! It never ceases to make me smile when, as I am driving down the road I hear a song and begin to pray because of something that I heard in the song - and then finish praying and realize that I completely missed the next four songs! These are good times.
Here is a list of songs/albums that I like to pray through. It is by no means extensive!

Songs for the Cross Centered Life, by Sovereign Grace
This is one of my all time favorite cds. Every song in the album is focused on the gospel, on the work that Jesus did on the cross, and on our standing before God because of it.

Awaken the Dawn by Keith and Kristyn Getty
Another one of my favorite cds, the lyrics are amazing and full of truth. The fourth song, By Faith, contains my favorite song line ever: "We will stand as children of the promise, We will fix our eyes on Him our soul's reward! 'Til the race is finished and the work is done, we'll walk by faith and not by sight."

Valley of Vision by Sovereign Grace
This is a cd I listened to for the first time today and I kept thinking, 'this has to go in my post today!' A friend recommended it to me and I am so glad he did. Every song is based on a prayer from the Valley of Vision a collection of Puritan prayers.

Amazing Grace

My Savior My God

Everlasting God


Lord, I Want to be Like Jesus

And Can It Be (Amazing Love)

I can think of many others but I want to hear from you as well. What are your favorite songs? Do you ever pray as you sing?

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