Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Pray Without Ceasing

1st Thessalonians 5:17 "Pray without ceasing."

There are huge benefits to having a set prayer time each day. This is a sadly overlooked spiritual discipline in the church today. There are many reasons for this and even more creative ways to overcome the excuses. I am going to leave this discussion to men and women infinitely more qualified than I am (we are featuring two excellent books on prayer this month and I cannot urge you strongly enough to read both!)

The topic I want to discuss today revolves around the central point in every believer's life that prayer should have. Outside of a regular time set aside for the single reason of prayer, Christians should be praying throughout the day. The first thought on your mind when something good happens should be a quick breath of prayer to the One who sent it. The first groan of your heart when something sad happens should be to the Comforter. Your first words when you become angry should be to the Lord.

As Christians, we have all been adopted into the family of God. We are His daughters and He expects and desires us to come to Him as His children. What heart of a father is not made glad by hearing of his daughter's joy? What father does not offer comfort when a daughter is in tears? What father does not protect when a daughter is afraid, does not provide to a daughter in need, does not give instruction when a daughter desires to learn? Sisters, we have a perfect Father in heaven! Bring everything in your life to Him, throughout the day, as it comes up!

There are massive benefits to this kind of prayer including:
  • A greater binding of your heart to Him
  • Less opportunity for sin (have you ever tried to sin while praying? its possible...but it is HARD!)
  • A greater awareness of witnessing opportunities
  • Increased communion with your Savior
  • A deeper reliance on God and a gradual disappearing of self-reliance
  • Increased awareness to answered prayers
  • Greater opportunities for thankfulness
  • Greater opportunities for seeking forgiveness
May I encourage you today to continually come to the Lord in prayer? Before long it becomes almost automatic and I cannot tell you how many wonderful times of prayer I've had that were sparked by what started as simply a quick, "Father, protect me!" or "Father, thank you!"

1 comment:

Jill said...

Thanks for this post, Nichole. I was just thinking today my prayer life is sadly lacking...this post was encouraging to me, and a great reminder to "pray without ceasing".