Saturday, September 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Jackson

9 years ago was one of the most important and memorable days of my life. It is the day I became a mother. I had dreamed about motherhood and thought on what it would mean. I had many hopes and fears, and on this day all those hopes and fears were realized. Jackson Elijah Aldrich was born 8lbs 2oz , 21inches long and as far as I was concerned, perfect!

He is nine years old today, the oldest of 5 little Aldrich munchkins and acts the part. He can be a tad bossy, usually in a mild sort of way. He is a goofball and loves to tease his little sister. He developed a love for baseball early (specifically for Brewers baseball), due to his daddy and PapPap. He loves to watch games on tv and call Papap when Fielder hits a homerun. More then that he likes to play baseball with his little brothers and anyone else who will take the time. His face brightens when daddy takes the time to play catch.

As I sit here thinking about just who Jackson has become at 9 years old, by God's grace; I would have to say God has granted him a very sensitive and compassionate spirit. He cannot stand when people are hurting and he seems to know when someone is as soon as he walks in the room. I pray that someday God would turn that characteristic into one that enables him to care, encourage and strengthen someone through the gospel of Jesus Christ. I pray that Jackson's compassion will never wane, but become more Christlike. I pray he will never become cold, angry, bitter and too proud to care openly for people. I pray that his compassion will grow as true affection for God grows.

I am so grateful for godly friends and family who have helped and continue to help him see the savior. He knows the gospel and claims to trust and love Jesus. I see his excitement to learn more about our Lord and it causes my heart to sing.

Jackson, my dear son, may God reveal Himself more and more to you through His word, His church, His world, and your family. Remember that even a child is known by his deeds and will give an account to the Lord most High. Cast yourself upon Jesus, who although He knew no sin became sin on your behalf that you would be brought near to God. Young man, boast in nothing for you have nothing to boast in but Jesus. Be earnest and faithful to submit and listen to those in authority over you. Be slow to speak and quick to listen. Be thankful for all things. God is good and all that He gives is good even when it doesn't seem like it. Right now life consists of school, chores and play - redeem it and do it all to the glory of God just as the verse says that you have been walking around quoting. Daddy and I plead to our gracious Heavenly Father on your behalf everyday, that you desire Him above all else. May He grant you more birthdays and as each year passes fit you for His eternal Kingdom.

We love you, Jackson. We are blessed to be your parents. I tell you all the time that you are God's precious gift to me, I mean it.


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