Monday, April 26, 2010

God is so good!

Lately, I have been trying to do some Spring Cleaning. In a way it is a treat to be able to finally be able to do things that have had to be neglected due to my broken leg saga. But it is also hard work.

One area I have been dealing with is changing out our winter clothes for summer clothes. I have found it to be a bit overwhelming. Dan has so many t-shirts that I couldn't get them all in the drawer! He needed to determine which ones he wanted to keep and which ones to donate to Goodwill. For me, the issue is what I fit into and what I don't. I ended up donating lots of clothes that are the wrong size, some too big and some too small. (I enjoyed finding out that some things were too big!)

We also took some things to Goodwill that had just been sitting in the basement. There is a lot of things that we just don't need anymore now that we are empty nesters.

While we were cleaning things and organizing things, I realized how gracious God had been to us over the years. If He hadn't blessed us with so much, I wouldn't have had to spend time going through things. I also thought about housecleaning and cooking and laundry. For us they are chores and we don't usually enjoy doing them. But, if God hadn't been so gracious and blessed us with houses that need to be cleaned, food that we can cook and enjoy, and clothes to wear, we wouldn't have to spend time on these things at all.

I realized that my daily chores are really a time to be thanking God for all that He has provided for me. So, when you find yourself scrubbing the floor or toilets, take time out to thank Him for providing these things. It is proof that He keeps His promises and delights in giving us good things

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